Urinary Tract Infection Flashcards
What is the general definition of an uncomplicated UTI?
Microbial colonization of the UT by pathogenic micro-organisms, and infection of the structures of the UT together with signs and symptoms of inflammation’
True or false: UTI’s may be ascending or descending
Ascending is most common (Microorganisms ascend into the bladder)
What is UPEC?
Among the common uropathogens associated to UTIs development, UroPathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the primary cause.
Are UTI’s endogenous or exogenous?
Are UTI’s communicable?
UTI’s are non-communicable
UTI may be ‘uncomplicated’ or ‘complicated’. Can uncomplicated UTI’s progress to complicated UTI’s?
Uncomplicated UTI may progress to complicated UTI
What is classed as significant bacteriuria?
- Presence of at least 105 bacteria / ml of urine
- May be symptomatic / asymptomatic
What is Cystitis (Lower UTI)?
- Infection of the bladder. Most common UTI
- Generally ascending
- Syndrome of frequency, dysuria (painful uriantion) and urgency
- Foul smelling (lots of bacteria and pus) / bloodstained urine (organisms can burst open red blood cells)
What is acute Pyelonephritis (Upper UTI)?
- Infection of one or both kidneys.
- Ascending (severe urinary reflux): complication of a UTI
- Descending (haematological spread from distant infection)
- Back, chills, fever, frequency and dysuria
- Far more aggressive than cyctitis
What is the difference between relapse and reinfection?
Recurrent UTI, may be relapse or reinfection:
- Relapse: recurrent UTI caused by the SAME microorganism that caused the original infection
- Reinfection: recurrent UTI caused by a DIFFERENT microorganism
Epide iology of UTI: Nosocomial (Hospital) Infections
- UTI are most common in hospitals (23.2%)
- A lot of patients have urinary catheters (plastic), microbes can stick to it and form biofilms
Community infections:
UTI account for approx what percentage of all GP consultations?
UTI account for approx 3% of all GP consultations
Draw a table of the prevalence of UTI’s acording to age
- 1-5 Females tend to have a shorter urethra -Organisms can enter and get acess to the bladder
- 18-60 (sexually active) due to sexual practices, organisms get pushed up the urinary tract
- 60-80- hospitalisation (urinary catheter) health declines
What percentage of women have a UTI per year?
What percentage of women have a UTI during their lifetime?
What percentage of non-pregnant women with a UTI will have a recurrence?
20% of non-pregnant women with a UTI will have a recurrence
Anal, perineal and perianal colonisation with faecal organisms such as:
Anal, perineal and perianal colonisation with skin organisms such as:
Microorganisms associated with community UTI: Which perecentage are associated with Escherichia coli?
Microorganisms associated with community UTI: Which perecentage are associated with staphylococcus saprophyticus?
Microorganisms associated with community UTI: Which perecentage are associated with Proteus mirabilis?
Proteus mirabilis found in our gut