Urinary Tract Anatomy Flashcards
Are the kidneys intra or retro peritoneal?
Give the vertebral levels of each kidney.
Left T12 - L3
Right L1 - L4
What is the vertebral levels of the hilum of the kidneys?
Approximately L1 - L2.
Can the superior and/or inferior poles of the kidneys be palpated? If not, why?
The superior poles of the kidneys cannot be palpated as they are protected by the 11th and 12th ribs.
The inferior poles may be palpated between the lower border of rib 12 and the lateral border of the paravertebral muscles in a region called the renal angle.
What are the layers around the outside of the kidney?
- Renal capsule
- Perinephric fat
- Renal fascia
- Paranephric fat
How can an infection potentially spread from the left to right kidney and vice versa?
Via the renal fascia, which connects the kidneys.
Which renal artery is longer, left or right?
Does the right renal artery pass anterior or posterior to the IVC?
What passes anterior to the left renal vein?
What are the 2 main anatomical regions of the inside of the kidneys?
Cortex and medulla.
What shape are the medulla of the kidneys? What is at the apex of each medulla?
Inverted pyramid, with the renal papilla at each apex.
The final kidney develops from which 2 embryological structures?
- Ureteric bud
2. The intermediate mesoderm
What is the approximate length of the ureters?
What do the ureters link together?
The renal pelvis and the bladder.
As the ureters are travelling to the bladder, they run anterior to which bony structure?
They are running anterior to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae.