Urinary System Disorder Flashcards
force of gravity, which is always pressing water out from the blood vessel is called?
hydrostatic pressure
osmotic pressure is maintained by?
inside the blood vessel there is 50% electrolytes/sodium, and 50% albumins. the albumins come from Liver to blood and they are preserved by the KD (which prevents it from letting it out through the glomeruous)
- either LR or KD pathology, can cause an imbalance of albumin in blood compartment and change status quo
- this causes changes in oncotic pressure - partial or total edema depending on how serious LR is damaged
- if albumin level is in trouble bc KD can’t guard it, it can cause edema
where is KD located?
between level T12 and L3
Urinary Tract infections may involve?
urethra, prostate, bladder, or/and kidney (pyelonephritis)
the urinary tract, from Kidney to urethral meatus is normally?
sterile, and resistance to bacterial invasion
the major defense against infections in urinary tract is?
- urine acidity
- complete emptying of bladder during urination (micturition)
- competent sphincters (urethral and uretero-vesical)
- mucosal immune barrier
almost all cases of UTI are associated with?
only 4- 5% of UTI are of what kinds?
most are associated with ascending infection from urethra up to the urinary bladder and the kidney
few are of hematogenous spread as systemic infection
in uncomplicated cases of UTI, what is affected
only urethra is affects, resulting in urethritis
in more complex cases of UTI what is affect?
cystitis (ascended infection of urinary bladder), and pyelonephritis (infection ascended to Kidney and affected everything but glomerulus
what are some risk factors of complicated UTIs?
- immuno-compromised individuals
- elderly
- pregnancy (any, even uncomplicated UTI during pregnancy is to be treated/monitored in hospital)
- obstruction to urinary flow (calculi, benign or malignant prostate growth, anatomically abnormal ureter, neurologically caused obstruction)
the most common UTI etiology is?
Gastrointesteinal is most common
- E.coli
- klebsiella
- enterobacteriae
- staphylococcus aureus
- STD (N. gonorrheae)
what are clinical presentations of UTI?
urinary frequency
lower abdominal and flank pain
uretheral discharge (mostly males)
systemic symptoms (fever, nausea, vomiting, chills) if infection is systemic with the kidney involvement (pyelonephritis)
-UTI may be asymptomatic as well (esp elderly)
-in GI cause of UTI, there is presence of leukyocytes esterase in urine
how are UTI diagnosed?
-bacteria in urine, collected by clean-catch technique or catheterization
-urethral swab and culture (if STD is suspected)
-in complicated UTIs (pyelonephritis, systemic infections): CBC, electrolytes, BUN, creatinine, and blood cultures are required
=differential diagnosis includes all disorders, presented with abdominal/pelvic discomfort
what are S&S of pyelonephritis?
infection in ascending KD - so flank or costovertebral pain, fever, malaise, body aches (flu-like symptoms with flank pain), not necessarily systemic but it can be
what is Red Flag fro UTIs?
UTI during pregnancy
how do you tx UTI?
- typically antibiotics [antibiotic prophylaxis in “stubborn” cases]
- but in asymptomatic bacteruria in elderly, diabetics, or patients with indwelling catheters should not be treated with antibiotics
what are some preventive measures for UTI?
- voiding after intercourse
- complete voiding
- prevention of KD stones
- TX of benign prostatic hypertrophy / hyperplasia
- cranberry juice
- avoid using diaphragm as contraceptive device who suffered more than 3 UTIs per year
what is Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC)?
most common renal cancer
- it originates from glandular renal epithelium (adenocarcinoma) in 95% of cases
what are risk factors of renal cell carcinoma?
excessive use of phenacetin
acquired cystic kidney disease in dialysis patients
exposure to radiopaque contrast dyes during nuclear medicine test
asbestos exposure
cadmium exposure
leather tanning and petroleum products exposure
some cases are familia syndromes
what are S&S of Renal Cell Carcinoma?
- usually do not appear until late
- hematuria (this is why either gross or microscopic blood in urine are considered RED FLAG for immediate medical referral)
- flank pain
- fever of unclear origin
- palpable mass (at times)
- polycythemia and hypertension
- hypercalcemia
- ectopic secretion of endocrine hormones: paraneoplastic syndrome
Renal Cell Carcinoma is second most common cancer (after Oat Cell Cancer in LU) that has….?
paraneoplastic syndrome - which is ectopic secretion of endocrine hormones (renin and erythopoietin)
what are some cancers that metastasize to bone more readily?
cancers of KIDNEY, LU, prostate, thyroid, breast, multiple myloma, malignant myloma
Renal Cell Cancer is diagnosed by?
- abdominal imaging (CT, US, MRI)
- clinical finding
- confirmation and grading: needle biopsy
- staging: chest x-rays, LV function tests, CT scan of the chest and abdomen/pelvis, bone scan
what are tx options for Renal Cell Carcinoma?
partial or extensive KD ectomy, radiation, immunotherapy for some
[chemotherapy is not considered effective]