Urinary System Flashcards
Urinary system consists of?
two kidneys, two ureters, one urinary bladder, and one urethra.
After the kidneys filter blood, they what?
Newly cleaned blood returns to the bloodstream by way of veins ,the remaining water and solutes form the urine
Female Urinary System Diagram
Image Slide 5
Kidneys help to maintain homeostasis through:
Regulation of ion levels in the blood.
Regulation of blood volume and blood pressure.
Regulation of blood pH.
Production of EPO.
Excretion of wastes.
Kidney Structure. Kidney lies?
lie on either side of the vertebral column between the peritoneum and the back wall of the abdominal cavity.
Each kidney is enclosed in a?
in a renal capsule, which is surrounded by adipose tissue.
Internally, the kidneys consist of a ?
a renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pyramids, renal columns, major and minor calyces, and a renal pelvis.
Blood enters the kidney through the? And leaves through the?
Enters through the renal artery, leaves through the renal vein.
Filtering units of the kidney are called?
Kidney Structure Image
Slide 9-10
A nephron consists of two parts:
a renal corpuscle (cup) where blood plasma is filtered,
and a renal tubule into which the filtered fluid passes
The two parts that make up a renal corpuscle are;
- Glomerulus and
- Bowmans capsule
(also called the glomerular capsule)
Renal Tubule.
The filtered fluid (the FILTRATE) first enters the glomerular capsule and then passes into the renal tubule.
The three main sections of the renal tubule are:
the proximal convoluted tubule, the nephron loop, and distal convoluted tubule.
Each nephron also has its own blood supply. T/F?
The distal convoluted tubules of several nephrons empty into a common?
Glomerular Filteration Image
Image slide 13
3 Nephron Functions:
– is the first step of urine production – blood pressure forces water and most solutes in blood plasma across the wall of glomerular capillaries
– returning most of the filtered water and many of the filtered solutes to the blood, is the second basic function of the nephrons and collecting ducts
the tubule and duct remove substances, such as wastes, drugs, and excess ions, from blood and transport them into the fluid in the renal tubules.
Tubular reabsorption retains substances needed by the body, including WATER, IONS, GLUCOSE
slide 16
enhances reabsorption of Na+ and Cl–. Angiotensin II also stimulates the adrenal cortex to release
Angiotensin II , to release aldosterone,
Aldosterone does?
stimulates the collecting ducts to reabsorb more Na+ and therefore water comes in or H20
inhibits reabsorption of Na+ (and Cl– and water) by the renal tubules, which reduces blood volume
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
The major hormone that regulates water reabsorption is:
Antidiuretichormone (ADH) via negative feedback.
Functions of Nephron Image
Image Slide 18
In normal urine = glucose should be reabsorbed , not secreted T/F
3 primary wastes that are dump out into the urine?
Urea , uric acid , creatine
Negative Feedback Regulation of Water Reabsorption by ADH Image
Image slide 21
_____ produced by the nephrons nephrons drains into the minor calyces
urine produced
minor calyces, which join to become major calyces that unite to form the ____ _____
renal pelvis
From the urine pelvis, what happens next?
urine drains first into the ureter and then into the urinary bladder; urine is then discharged from the body through the urethra (draw a flow chart)
The two ____ do what?
two ureters (one per kidney) transport urine from the renal pelves of the right and left kidneys to the urinary bladder.
The wall of the ureters consists of 3 layers:
transitional epithelium on the inside (mucosa), smooth muscle in the middle, and an outer layer of areolar connective tissue.
The urinary bladder characteristics,
hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity
Its function is to store urine prior to elimination (micturation).
___ contains transitional epithelium and rugae (folds and ridges).
muscular layer of the wall consists of three layers of smooth muscle called?
the detrusor muscle. The outer coat is a fibrous covering.
The wall of the ureters consists of 3 layers:
transitional epithelium on the inside (mucosa),
smooth muscle in the middle,
and an outer layer of areolar connective tissue.
The urinary bladder function?
Its function is to store urine prior to elimination (micturation).
the _____, the terminal portion of the urinary system, is a small tube leading from the floor of the urinary bladder to the exterior of the body
Where does the urethra lie in females?
it lies directly behind the pubic symphysis and is embedded in the front wall of the vagina, between the clitoris and vaginal opening.
Where does the urethra lie in males?
the urethra passes vertically through the prostate, the deep perineal muscles, and finally the penis.
______ ______discharges urine from the urinary bladder through contraction of the detrusor muscle and relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter muscle, and by inhibition of the external urethral sphincter
The micturition reflex (image 26)
Physical Characteristics of urine
Concentrated urine is a darker yellow ….
Turbidity = urine should be transparent
Odor = mildly aromatic
pH = between 4.6 ph and 8.0 pH = pee is normally 6 ph
Specific gravity = specific gravity .. Ratio of the weight of a volume of a substance to the weight
Chart slide 27
With aging, the kidneys _____ in size, have more or less blood flow?
Filter more or less blood?
atrophy in size
have a less blood flow
filter less blood
Common problems related to aging include ?
urinary tract infections, increased frequency of urination, urinary retention or incontinence, acute and chronic kidney inflammations and renal calculi (kidney stones ).