Urinary/renal Flashcards
May appear on a radiograph as a elevated bladder floor
benign prostatic hypertrophy
failure of a kidney to ascend
ectopic kidney
Fusion of the lower renal poles
horseshoe kidney
inability to void
calcification of the renal pelvis
staghorn calculus
excess of urea in the blood
retrograde flow of urine from the bladder
urinary reflux
excretion of a diminished amt of urine
If an IVU and a barium enema are scheduled the same day, which should be done first?
Why should the pt void before a IVU procedure?
A full bladder could rupture, especially if compression is applied and urine in bladder dilutes contrast
The evening before the IVU the pt must remain NPO a minimum of
8 hrs
The normal level for BUN
8-25 mg/100ml
Normal range for creatinine
0.6-1.5 mg/dl
The most commonly used sites for venipuncture
median cubital, cephalic and basilic
Where do you place turniquet for venipuncture?
3-4 inches above site
Position of bevel & angle of needle for venipuncture
bevel up and 20-45 degree angle
What should be documented after catheter placement
time of injection, type and amt of contrast, the site, your name
Mild response to contrast
nausea, scattered hives, itching, metallic taste
Moderate response to contrast
tachycardia, bronchospasm, angloedema, urticaria
Severe response to contrast
loss of consciousness, laryngeal swelling, cardiac arrhythmia
abdominal aneurysm and uteric stones are contraindications for uteric compression
a nephrogram is a image taken immediately following injection of the contrast medium
For a hypertensive IVU, images are taken 1,2, and 3 min post injection
Needle size for introduction of contrast
how many hours prior should patients stop taking metformin prior to IVU?
steps of routine IVU procedure
1.scout, 2.inj contrast 3.three nephrotomograms 4. 5 min AP supine 5. 15 min AP supine 6. LPO and RPO 7. Postvoid AP erect
Contrast delivery and anatomy demonstrated for General IVU
Intravenous bolus injection
kidney and study of entire urinary system
Contrast delivery and anatomy demonstrated for Retrograde Urography
Retrograde injection through ureterl catheter
Pelvicalyceal system, ureter, bladder
Contrast delivery and anatomy demonstrated for voiding cystourethro-graphy (VCU)
retrograde injection through urethral catheter
functional study of bladder/urethra
Contrast delivery and anatomy demonstrated for retrograde urethrography (male)
retrograde injection through brodney clamp or special catheter
urethra only