Urinary Flashcards
What is a UTI
Infection in the blasser causing cystitis and can soread to the kidneys causing pyelonephritis
More common in women where the urethra is much shorter making it easy for bacteria to get into the bladder
Main bacteria source is from faeces where the normal intestinal bacteria such as E.coli can easily make the short journey to the urethral opening from the anus
Sexual activity is a key method for spreading bacteria around the perineum and are also very common in women where incontinence or hygeine are a problem.
Urinary catheters are a key source of infection and catheter-associated UTIs tend to be more significant and difficult to treat
How do UTIs present
Lower urinary tract infections present with:
-Dysuria (pain, stinging or burning when passing urine)
-Suprapubic pain or discomfort
-Confusion is commonly the only symptom in older more frail patients
Pyelonephritis presents with:
-Fever is a more prominent feature than lower urinary tract infections.
-Loin, suprapubic or back pain. This may be bilateral or unilateral.
-Looking and feeling generally unwell
-Loss of appetite
-Renal angle tenderness on examination
What are the significant findings on urine dipstick
-gram neg bacteria (eg E.coli) breakdown nitrates (waste product in urine) into nitrites
-suggests bacteria presence
-better indication of infection than leukocytes
-If only N present, worth treating as a UTI
-Normally small number of these in the urine but a significant rise can be the result of an infection or other cause of inflammation
-If only leukocytes, do not treat as UTI unless clinically evident UTI present
If both N and L present:
-treat as UTI
-Send to Lab for culture and sensitivity testing
If neither then unlikely to be UTI
What causes UTI
Most common: E.coli
-Gram neg
-Rod-shaped bacteria
-Part of normal intestinal microbiome
-Found in faeces and can easily spread to the bladder
Other causes:
-Klebsiella pneumoniae (gram-negative anaerobic rod)
-Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-Staphylococcus saprophyticus
-Candida albicans (fungal)
How is a UTI managed
Duration of antibiotics:
-3 days of antibiotics for a simple lower urinary tract infection in women
-5-10 days of antibiotics for women that are immunosuppressed, have abnormal anatomy or impaired kidney function
-7 days of antibiotics for men, pregnant women or catheter related UTIs
NICE recommend changing the catheter when someone is diagnosed with a catheter related urinary tract infection.
Antibiotics Choice:
First line:
How are UTIs treated in pregnancy
Increased risk of pyelonephritis, premature rupture of memranes and pre-term labour
-7 days of abx (even with asymptomatic bacteruria)
-Urine culture and sensitivities
-First line: nitrofurantoin (1st and 2nd trimester), trimethoprim (2nd and 3rd trimester)
-second line: cefalexin or amoxicillin
Nitrofurantoin is generally avoided in the third trimester as it is linked with haemolytic anaemia in the newborn.
Trimethoprim is generally considered safe in pregnancy but avoided in the first trimester or if they are on another medication that affects folic acid (such as anti-epileptics) due to the anti-folate effects.
How is pyelonephritis managed
Referral to hospital if there are features of sepsis
First line antibiotics for 7-10 days when treating in the community:
What is pyelonephritis
Inflammation of the kidney parenchyma and the renal pelvis typically due to a bacterial infection
What are complicated vs uncomplicated pyelonephritis pictures
-structurally normal urinary tract
-functionally normal urinary tract
-non-immunocompromised host
-Structural or functionally abnormal urinary tract
-Immunocompromised host
-Male (all considered abnormal urinary tract)
What is the pathophysiology of pyelonephritis
Acute pyelonephritis results from bacterial infection of the renal pelvis and parenchyma. Bacteria can reach the kidney either by ascending from the lower urinary tract, directly from the blood stream, as in cases of septicaemia or infective endocarditis or, rarely, via lymphatics (as seen in cases of retroperitoneal abscess).
Neutrophils infiltrate the tubules and interstitium and cause suppurative inflammation. There are often small renal cortical abscesses and streaks of pus in the renal medulla.
The most common organism* (~80%) isolated is Escherichia coli. Other organisms include, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterococcus faecalis (catheters), Staphylococcus aureus (catheters), Staphylococcus saprophyticus (commensal), and Pseudomonas (catheters).
*Rarely, Mycobacterium spp, yeasts, or other fungi can be the cause in immunocompromised patients
What are the risk factors for pyelonephritis
Factors reducing antegrade flow of urine
-Obstructed urinary tract, including BPH
-Spinal cord injury, resulting in a neuropathic bladder
Factors promoting retrograde ascent of bacteria
-Female gender (due to a short urethra)
-Indwelling catheter or ureteric stents / nephrostomy tubes in-situ
-Structural renal abnormalities, such as vesico-ureteric reflux (VUR)
Factors predisposing to infection or immunocompromise
-Diabetes mellitus
-Corticosteroid use
-HIV infection (untreated)
Factors promoting bacterial colonisation
-Renal calculi
-Sexual intercourse
-Oestrogen depletion (menopause)
What are the differentials for pyelonephritis
Any patient present with back pain and tachycardia and / or hypotension, especially if elderly or with sufficient risk factors, should be assessed for a potential ruptured AAA.
Other differentials:
-renal calculi,
-acute cholecystitis,
-ectopic pregnancy
-pelvic inflammatory disease
-lower lobe pneumonia
How is pyelonephritis investigated
-urine beta-HCG (pregnancy)
-urine culture
Routine bloods:
-U and Es
Renal US looking for evidence of obstruction (infected obstructed system is a urological emergency)
If obstruction is suspected, non-contrast CT imaging of the renal tract should be performed (CT KUB)
What are potential complications of pyelonephritis
Severe sepsis and multiorgan failure, renal scarring leading to chronic kidney disease, pyelonephrosis, and preterm labour in pregnancy
What is chronic pyelonephritis
Repeated infections can lead to chronic pyelonephritis, with such repetitive inflammatory events leading to fibrosis (scarring) and ultimately destruction of the kidney.
More common in obstructed systems resulting in urinary reflux, such as strictures caused by UTIs, VUR, other anatomical abnormalities.
The diagnosis if often made radiologically when evidence of a small, scarred shrunken kidney is seen.
Chronic pyelonephritis is more common in children and can often present asymptomatic or with first presentation as chronic kidney disease.
The mainstay of management is to reverse any underlying causes, optimise renal function, and consider prophylactic antibiotics.