Urinalysis Flashcards
What is specific gravity determined by?
number of and wt of solutes in solution
What determines osmolality?
Just the number of solutes in solution
Maximally dilute urine?
1.002(specific gravity) 50-100 mosm/kg
Normal isoosmotic urine?
1.010(specific gravity) 300mosm/kg
max conc urine?
1.030(specific gravity) 1200mosm/kg
urinary pH?
pH in urinary tract infection>
Is glucose normally present in urine?
No. hyperglycemia results in a filtered load that is greater than the reabsorption capacity and this can cause glycosuria. Glucose in the urine when there is no high blood glucose signals a proximal tubular dysfunction
Are ketones normally present in urine?
When are ketones present?
During diabetic ketoacidosis and fasting
sexiest man alive
Kenneth L. Kennedy
Positive nitrite suggests?
UTI…gram negative
What is normal protein excretion?
less than 150 mg/day
What are the two ways to test for proteinuria?
24 hr collection, urine protein over creatinine
What are the three types of proteinuria?
Glomerular, Tubular, Overflow