Acute Otitis Media: What are the signs and symptoms?
Fever, earache, ear drainage, bulging tympanic membrane.
Acute Otitis Media: What is the diagnostic clue?
Bulging tympanic membrane on otoscopy.
Acute Otitis Media: What is the treatment for severe illness or bilateral infections?
Acute Otitis Media: What is the treatment for mild cases?
Watchful waiting.
Acute Rhinosinusitis: What are the signs and symptoms?
Fever, purulent nasal discharge, facial pain, headache.
Acute Rhinosinusitis: What is the diagnostic clue for bacterial cause?
Symptoms > 10 days or worsen after initial improvement.
Acute Rhinosinusitis: What is the treatment for most viral cases?
Watchful waiting.
Acute Rhinosinusitis: What is the treatment for severe or complicated bacterial cases?
Common Cold (Viral Rhinitis): What are the signs and symptoms?
Low-grade fever, myalgias, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, sneezing, sore throat, cough.
Common Cold (Viral Rhinitis): What is the diagnostic clue?
Mild to moderate symptoms, no significant fever.
Common Cold (Viral Rhinitis): What is the treatment?
Supportive care: fluids, rest, OTC analgesics, antihistamines, decongestants.
COVID-19: What are the signs and symptoms?
Fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell, gastrointestinal symptoms.
COVID-19: What is the diagnostic clue?
Sudden loss of taste or smell with respiratory symptoms.
COVID-19: What is the confirmatory test?
Positive PCR or rapid antigen test.
COVID-19: What is the treatment for high-risk patients?
Monoclonal antibodies or Paxlovid.