Urbanization Flashcards
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The process by which towns & cities are formed and become larger as more people begin living and working in central areas
Urban sprawl
The spreading of urban developments on undeveloped land by a city
Green space
Plot of undeveloped land in a city or town kept for recreational purposes
Buying and renovation of houses and stores in old urban neighborhoods by upper or middle income families, improving property values but also displacing low income families and small businesses
Facilities and systems serving a place as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools
Shanty towns
Section of a city/town characterized by shanties and crudely built houses
Community sustainability plan
Providing direction for civic and citizen leadership around sustainability in a particular urban area
Urban hierarchy
Structure of cities/towns in an area
Central Place Theory
Seeks to explain the number, size, and location of human settlements in an urban system
Central Business District (CBD)
Commercial and often geographic heart of a city/town
Designating permitted uses of land based on mapped zones which separate land uses from another (residential vs commercial use)
Shanty town in Brazil
Extended city/town area comprising the built-up area of a central place and any suburbs linked by continuous urban area
New developments occurring on older sites within a town/city
Counter urbanization
Demographic and social process whereby people move from urban to rural areas