Urbanisation (Topic 3) Flashcards
What is rural to urban migration?
Rural to urban migration is the movement from a rural area like a country side to an urban area like a city.
What is commercial land (in urban areas?)
Commercial land is a place for offices, shoppings centres and hotels. They are usually found in the CBD. Land can be quite expensive depending on where it is.
What is Industrial land (in urban areas)?
Industrial land includes factories and warehouses and are usually away from the centre. These are often quite large areas of land.
What is Residential land (in urban areas)?
Residential areas are where people live, and they should have good transport links to town centres full of shops and leisure activities.
What is suburbanisation?
When cities become too crowded and people move to the suburbs where, often, bigger houses can be found.
How will the level and rate of urbanisation change in the future 2020 onwards?
There rate of growth for urbanisation will increase dramatically due to technological advances and continuing growth in population.
Define urbanisation
The increase of people moving into and living in urban areas instead of rural areas.
Define deindustrialisation
When industry in cities starts to decline, often due to technological change.
Define regeneration
Older cities start to redevelop their run down inner city areas, in a bid to attract people to live there.
What is counter urbanisation?
When people leave big cities to go and live in rural areas.
Why is urbanisation happening so fast in different places?
Industry worldwide is closing and connectivity and technological advances means that cities can become more up to date and modern.
What are the four types of economic activities?
Primary, secondary, quaternary and tertiary.
Give definitions of a push factor
A reason that someone would leave where they live. E.g. high crime rate
Give a definition of a pull factor
Reasons that someone would move to a new city. E.g. better housing
Why are some urban areas, like Detroit, declining?
Businesses and jobs are mainly industrial, causing people to lose their jobs.