Urban Regeneration: Glasgow+London Flashcards
When was “Glasgow’s miles better” slogan introduced
Successes of “Glasgow’s Miles better”
-1090 city of culture award: Gallery of modern art, Burrell collection, museums, Makintosh school of art
When was “Glasgow, scotland with style” introduced
Benefits of scotland with style rebranding
-river corridor: BBC scotland, conference centre, titan crane museum,”squinty bridge”
Top 40 enterprise zones
-UEFA cup
When was “people make Glasgow” introduced
Benefits of Glasgow hosting commonwealth games
£740 million to economy
Top 10 uk tourist destination uk
Benefits of “people make Glasgow”
-hosted commonwealth games
-Golden Z: unemployment from 17% to 5%
-90+ green spaces- green city award 2020 gorbals sustainable housing
Why did Glasgow need regenerating?
Life expectancy - 7 years lower than rest of Scotland
“Murder capital of Europe”
17% unemployment
Closure of industry so derelict sites
How much trade and investment did the london Olympics generate
£10 billion
How much of a boost did the LO create for construction
£7 billion
How many jobs did the LO provide
(Supports 18k a year)
How many visitors did the LO attract
How many jobs does Westfield shopping centre support
How much investment did the LO generate
£300 million
How many homes were created for LO
13k NOT 40 k as promised
- 450 low rent demolished for athletes village now 4,000/month sold to qatari