Urbal Life vocabulary Flashcards
Exam revision
A plan that shows when things will happen or when you need to do things.
Does a schedule tell you what time things will happen?
Can a schedule change?
Do we use a schedule to plan or to guess?
An exciting or unusual experience, often with some risk.
Is an adventure exciting or boring?
Do you know exactly what will happen in an adventure?
Can an adventure be dangerous?
A tall building or structure, often higher than it is wide.
Is a tower short or tall?
Can you live inside a tower?
Are towers usually wider or thinner than other buildings?
The form or outline of something, like round, square, or triangle.
Does a shape show how something looks on the outside?
Can a shape be round or square?
Is color part of a shape?
A very tall building, often found in big cities.
Is a skyscraper a short or tall building?
Can you find skyscrapers in small towns?
Are skyscrapers built close to the ground?
A soft, steady light, like from a candle or a light bulb.
Is a glow a bright, strong light or a soft, gentle light?
Does a glow usually come from the sun or from smaller sources like candles?
Can something glow in the dark?
To think about something carefully before making a decision.
Do you consider something when you don’t think about it?
Do you consider something quickly or carefully?
Is considering something the same as deciding?
A person who lives in a particular place, like a city or town.
Is a resident someone who lives in a place?
Can you be a resident of a city?
If you are visiting a place for one day, are you a resident?
To watch something carefully, often to learn about it.
When you observe something, do you just look at it or watch it carefully?
Can scientists observe animals?
Do you observe something for fun or to learn about it?
To make someone very interested or amazed by something.
If something fascinates you, does it make you bored?
Do you want to learn more about something that fascinates you?
Can people fascinate you?
The city where the government of a country or region is located.
Is a capital the biggest city in the country or the city where the government is?
Can a country have more than one capital city?
Is New York City the capital of the United States?
A strong feeling of love or excitement for something.
If you have a passion for something, do you like it a little or a lot?
Do you feel passion for something you do every day?
Can you have a passion for a hobby or a job?
To travel regularly between your home and your place of work or school.
Do you commute for work or for fun?
Can you commute by walking?
Do you commute every day or just once a year?
The bright lights on the front of a car that help the driver see at night.
Do headlights help drivers see in the dark?
Are headlights on the front or the back of a car?
Do you turn on the headlights during the day or at night?