UQ muscle actions Flashcards
Pectoralis major - Clavicular
shoulder flexion, MR, horizontal adduction of humerus toward opposite shoulder
Origin fixed: humeral adduction and MR
Insertion fixed: assists in elevation of thorax in forced inspiration
Pectoralis major - Sternal fibers
depress shoulder girdle by virtue of attachment of the humerus and obliquely adduct the humerus toward opposite iliac crest
origin fixed: humeral adduction and MR
insertion fixed: assists in elevation of thorax in forced inspiration
Pectoralis minor
origin fixed: tilts scapula anteriorly
insertion fixed: assist in forced inspiration
may help with downward rotation of the scapula or at least prevents upward rotation. also internally rotates the scapula
draws the clavical down and stabilizes joint
latissimus dorsi
origin fixed: shoulder MR, adduction and extension.
insertion fixed: assists in anterior and lateral pelvic tilts, assists in lumbar hyperextension
depresses shoulder girdle, assists in lateral flexion
teres major
shoulder MR, add, ext; scapular internal rotation
Serratus Anterior
origin fixed: abducts and upwardly rotates scapula. Holds medial border of scapula firmly against the rib cage. Lower fibers may depress the scapula and upper fibers may elevate
Serratus anterior is the best scapular upward rotator and posterior tilter. Serratus also helps externally rotate scapula
abduct shoulder, stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements, may assist with shoulder LR from neutral to full LR
LR shoulder, stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements, scapular internal rotation
MR shoulder, stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements, prevents humeral anterior glide
anterior deltoid
shoulder flexion, abduction, and MR
middle deltoid
shoulder abduction; scapular downward rotation
posterior deltoid
shoulder extension, abduction, and LR; scapular internal rotation
upper trapezius
elevate and upwardly rotate scapula; extend neck
middle trapezius
adduct (retract) scapula
lower trapezius
depress and help upper fibers upwardly rotate scapula
levator scapulae
elevates medial border of scapula while downwardly rotating lateral angle; helps rhomboids and trapezius pull scapula upward and medially; bends neck laterally
rhomboid major
adducts, elevates, downwardly rotates scapula
rhomboid minor
adduct, elevate scapula; rotate scapula so that glenoid cavity faces caudally
teres minor
LR shoulder; stabilizes head of humerus in glenoid cavity during movements; scapular internal rotation
pronator teres
pronate forearm, assists in elbow flexion
flexor carpi radialis
abduct, flex wrist; assists in forearm pronation and elbow flexion
palmaris longus
tenses palmar fascia, flex wrist, assists in elbow flexion
flexor digitorum superficialis
flexion of PIP of 2nd-5th digits; assist in MCP joint flex and wrist flex
flexor digitorum profundus
flexes DIP of index, middle, ring, and little fingers. Assists in PIP, MCP, and wrist flexion
flexor pollicis longus
thumb IP flexion; assists in MCP and CMC flex and wrist flexion
flexor pollicis brevis
flex MCP, CMC of thumb
assists in opposition, may extend IP joint
pronator quadratus
pronate forearm
abductor pollicis brevis
palmar abduction of thumb, CMC and MCP joints; extend thumb IP joint. Assists in opposition and flexion, MR of CMC jt
opponens pollicis
opposes thumb CMC
extends IP joint and simultaneously flex MCP joints of 2-5th digits; extend IP joints with MCP extended
flexor carpi ulnaris
flex, ulnarly deviate wrist; assists in flex of elbow
abductor digiti minimi
abduct small finger MP joint; assists in opposition and flexion of CMC of 5th digit and assists in extension of IP joint
flexor digiti minimi
flex MCP joint of little finger; assists in opposition
opponens digiti minimi
opoposes 5th CMC joint
dorsal: abduct
palmar: adduct
adductor pollicis
adduct CMC and adduct/assists in flexion of MCP joint of thumb, assists in thumb opposition and ext IP joint
triceps brachii
extend elbow
long head: assists in adduction and extension of shoulder
extend elbow, stabilize ulna during pronationa nd supination
elbow flexion; assits in pronation and supination of forearm
extensor carpi radialis longus
extensor, radially deviates wrist, assits in elbow flexion
extensor carpi radialis brevis
extensor wrist, assist in radial deviation
extensor digitorum
extend MCP joint and in conjunction with lumbricals and interossei, extend IP joints of 2-5th digits
assist in abducting index, ring, little finger
extend and radial deviate wrist
extensor digiti minimi
extend MCP join and in conjunction with lumbricals and interossei, extend IP joints of little finger; assist in abduction of little finger
extensor carpi ulnaris
extend and ulnarly deviate wrist
extensor indicis
extend MCP joint and extend IP joint of index finger; assits in adduction of index finger
abductor pollicis longus
extend CMC joint of thumb with slight abduction; wrist radial deviation; assists wrist flexion
extensor pollicis longus
extend IP joint; assists thumb MCP and CMC exten, assists wrist radial deviation and extension
extensor pollicis brevis
extend thumb MCP joint, extend and abduct CMC joint, assists in radial deviation
supinate forearm
flex and adduct shoulder
biceps brachii
flex shoulder (weakly); flex and supinate forearm at the elbow
elbow flexion
external oblique
flexes, rotates, and laterally flexes vertebral column; compresses abdomen
internal oblique
flexes, rotates, and laterally flexes vertebral column; compresses abdomen
rectus abdominis
flexes vertebral column, compresses abdomen
elevates the mandible, small effect on side to side movement, protraction, and retraction
pulls mouth closed
elevates mandible (closes the jaw); posterior fibers retrude mandible; assists with alteral deviation
medial pterygoid
elevation (closes the jaw), protrusion, deviation to opposite side
rectus capitis anterior
anterior flexion of head on neck (nodding)
ipsilateral rotation
rectus capitis posterior major
extend head, turns face to same side
rectus capitis posterior minor
extend, rotate neck
oblique capitis inferior
rotate head to same side
oblique capitis superior
extend head, lateral flexion to same side
rectus capitis lateralis
lateral flexion of head to same side
scalene anterior
flex lower cervical vert and lat bending; elevate 1st rib
scalene medius
lat bend of c-spine, elevates rib 1
scalene posterior
lat bend of c spine, elevates rib 2
flex neck
orbicularis oculi
close eyelids
raise eyebrows
orbicularis oris
close lips and protrude forward (whistle/kiss)
zygomaticus major
draw up angles of mouth (smile)
raises and protrudes the lower lip and wrinkle skin of the chin, as in pouting
levator anguli oris
draw angle of mouth straight upward, deepening the furrow from the side of the nose to the side of the mouth (sneer- show the canine tooth on one side)
press cheeks firmly against the side teeh, pulling back the angle of the mouth (blowing a trumpet)
corrugator supercilii
draw eyebrows together (as in frowaning)
unilaterally: rotates C-spine to opposite side and lateral flex to same side
bilaterally; flex lower C-spine (forward translation), extend upper cervical (head on neck extension)