Upperlimb Flashcards
Lower half of anterior surface of humerus
On anterior surface of coronoid process of ulna including ulnar tuberosity.
Mostly musculocutaneous nerve and also by radial nerve in lateral
Flexion of forearm in all positions
Biceps brachii
Long head: from supraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Short head:from Coracoid process of scapula.
Both head join to form a belly and the tendon attached to posterior part of radial tuberosity.
Musculocutaneous nerve.
Supination of forearm when elbow is flexed
Flexion of forearm when elbow is extended
Parts of deltoid
Anterior unipinnate part
Posterior unipinnate part
Middle multipinnate part
Origin of deltoid
Anterior part: upper and anterior border of lateral 1/3rd of clavicle
Middle part: Lateral margin of acromion
Posterior part: lower lip of crest of spine of scapula
Insertion of deltoid
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Nerve supply of deltoid
Axillary nerve
Root value of axillary nerve
C5 and C6
Action of deltoid
Anterior unipinnate: Flexion and medial rotation
Posterior unipinnate: extension and lateral rotation
Middle(acromial fibre): abduction of arm from 15 to 90
Intramuscular injection in the deltoid
It should be given in the lateral aspect of deltoid 2.5-5 cm below acromion process to avoid injury to axillary nerve.
From the back of lateral epicondyle by a separate tendon other than common extensor tendon
Lateral side of olecranon process and upper fourth of posterior surface of ulna
Nerve to anconeus
Weak extensor of elbow joint
Origin of triceps brachii
Long head: infraglenoid tubercle
Lateral head: Above spiral groove in the posterior part of shaft of humerus.
Medial head: below spiral groove in the posterior part of shaft of humerus.
Insertion of triceps
Posterior part of superior surface of olecranon process of ulna
Nerve supply of triceps
Radial nerve
Nerve to long head arises from radial nerve in axilla
Nerve to lateral head arises from radial nerve in radial groove
Nerve to medial head arises from radial nerve in radial groove through nerve to anconeus
Action of triceps
Powerful extensor of elbow joint
Injury to radial nerve in radial groove
Extension of elbow and triceps reflex not completely lost because nerve to long head arises from radial nerve in axilla.
Supinator crest of ulna
Upper 1/3rd of lateral surface of radius
Radial nerve and posterior interosseus nerve
Supination of forearm
Serattus anterior
A series of eight digitations
First digitation arise from first and second ribs
All other digitation arise from corresponding ribs
Costal surface of scapula along medial border.
First digitation - superior angle
Next two- medial border
Lower five- inferior angle of scapula
Long thoracic nerve
Powerful protractor of scapula
Winging of scapula
Paralysis of serratus anterior due to injury to long thoracic nerve.
Protraction of scapula for punching is weakened.
Inferior angle and medial border of scapula becomes unduly prominent when the person pushes against the wall. This condition is called winging of scapula.
Supraspinatus fossa
Superior facet of greater tubercle of humerus
Suprascapular nerve
Initiates abduction of arm up to 15
Pronator quadratus
Lower 1/4th of anterior surface of ulna
Lower 1/4th of anterior surface of radius
Anterior interosseous nerve
Chief pronator of forearm
Course of cephalic vein
It starts from lateral part of dorsal venous arch of hand.
It crosses the roof of anatomical snuff box.
Passes upward through radial part of forearm.
passes lateral border of biceps brachii.
Finally pierces the deep fascia exactly at the lower border of pectoralis major.
It passes through the deltopectoral groove till infraclavicular fossa.
It the pierces clavipectoral fascia and drains to first part of axillary vein to form subclavian vein.
How blood from cephalic vein reach basilic vein
A large amount of blood is shunted to basilic vein through median cubical vein.
Cephalic vein is accompanied by
Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
Speciality of cephalic vein
It is known as preaxial vein of upper limb and corresponds to great saphenous vein of lower limb
Course of basilic vein
Starts at medial border of dorsal venous arch.
Passes through back of medial part and then enters the anterior part of forearm and moves above through medial border of biceps.
It pierces the deep fascia and opens to brachial veins to become continuous with axillary vein at lower border of trees major.