Upper limbs centering points Flashcards
DP Hand
Head of 3rd MC
Oblique Hand
Head of 3rd MC
PA Wrist
Midway between styloid processes
Lateral wrist
Radial styloid process
AP Elbow
2.5cm distal to point midway between medial and lateral epicondyles
Lateral Elbow
Lateral humeral epicondyle
AP Shoulder
Palpable coracoid process of scapula
Axial Shoulder
Proximal aspect of humeral head
Y view shoulder
Medial border of scapula and head of the humerus
AP forearm
middle of anterior aspect of forearm
Lateral forearm
mid-shaft of radius
AP turned shoulder
2.5cm below the coracoid process
Lateral Hand
head of 2nd metacarpal, ensure the thumb is out of the way of the rest of the fingers
anatomical snuff box (base of thumb/above radius styloid style)
Acromio-clavicular joint
AP weightbearing will be done with the patient holding a heavy weight
Clavicle AP
mid clavicle of anterior aspect
Clavicle infero-superior
Mid clavicle
For infero-superior a 35 degree cranial angle
DP finger
An adjacent finger should also be included
Lateral finger
Humerus AP
Should include both joints
Humerus lateral
Should include both joints