Upper limbs Flashcards
Clavicle has——ends——surfaces—-borders
2 ends ( acromial end lateral-sterna’s end medial)
2 surfaces superior and inferior
What is the Bone structure of the inferior surface of clavicle
*acromial facet
*sternal articulation facet
* trapezoid line
*conoid tubercle
*groove for subclavian muscle
Why superior surface of clavicle is smoother than the inferior surface?
Because it doesn’t have articulation points
Which part of clavicle is concave and which is convex?
Lateral 1/3 is concave and medial 2/3 is convex
Why clavicle is important? Where is the most common fracture ?why?
1- because different structures pass through it (behind clavicle) like nerves ,veins , arteries and 2- the end of the 1/3 part laterally is the most common place for fracture
3- لانها نقطة تحول بالعضمة من concave ل convex بالاضافة لان خلفها اكو structures
Mention the ligament attachment of clavicle
Only in inferior surface
1- costoclavicular ligament
2-coracoclavicular ligament :
trapezoid ligament +conoid ligament
Muscle insertions in clavicle
Sup. Surface: trapezius muscle
Inf. surface : subclavian muscle
Name the Muscle origin on superior part of clavicle
1- deltoid muscle
2-pectorals major muscle
3-sternocleidomastoid muscle
Name muscle origin on the inferior surface of clavicle
1- deltoid muscle
2- pectoralis major muscle
3- sternohyoid muscle
Between which ribs we can find scapula?
Between 2nd /7th ribs
How many surfaces in scapula
2 anterior and posterior
How many borders in scapula ?
3 superior,lateral,medial
How many angles in scapula?
3 superior, lateral and inferior
What are the processes in scapula
Acromion,coracoid,spin of scapula
What is the origin of acromion and what what it articulates with?
It extends from spin of scapula and its end is facet of clavicle
Name the regions of spin of scapula
Crest of spin , angle of spin and acromion
What spin of scapula divide the scapula into ?
Supraspinous fossa and infraspinous fossa
How many tubercles on scapula?
Infraglenoid tubericle (latera)
Supraglenoid tubericle (lateral )
Deltoid tubericle (posterior on the spin of scapula)
What is glenoid cavity ?
Cavity found on the lateral side of scapula and it’s site of articulation with humerous and it has two tubericles , supraglenoid tubericle and infraglenoid tubericle
What the anterior part of scapula is called?
Supscapular fossa
What bone structures found on posterior surface of scapula ?
.Groove for circumflex scapular vessels
.spin of scapula and it’s divisions
What is the passage for the suprascapular nerve
Is supraspinous notch or superior scapular
Where is the location of scapula neck
Close to glenoid cavity
Name the superficial muscles in scapula
Trapezius muscle
Deltoid muscle