upper limb neuro Flashcards
start of neuro exam
confirm pt identity
introduce self to the patient
explain exam
ask for consent
ensure adequate exposure and position
R/L handed
ask about pain
stages in neuro exam and acronym
'’in the pouring rain she came’’
power reflex
check for pronator drift
inspect bedside - medicines and walking aids, orthoses, does pt look well/not, posture
other signs of neurological conditions eg hypomimia, facial muscle wasting
look closer - see if there are changes in the skin:
- SWIFT - scars, wastage (muscles of arms and hands - thenar/hypothenar, dorsal hand guttering), involuntary movements, fasiculations, tremor
- neurofibromas
- cafe au lait spots
what is pronator drift
ask pt to hold arms out fully extended with palms facing upwards and close their eyes
shows weakness in arm so hand pronates down and distal flexion
problem in corticospinal tract - contralateral to arm (pyramidal weakness)
if arm goes up = cerebellar lesion - can be accenuated by rebound - pushings patients wrists down briskly and then quickly letting go
what is a cause of increased tone
UMN lesion
what is cause of reduced tone
LMN lesion
describe cogwheel rigidity
in parkinsons (pt also looks emotionless)
it is a parkinson’s tremor on top of an increased tone
how do you assess tone
elbow - hold pts hand as if you’re shaking hands - support elbow with other hand and repeatedly flex and extend their elbow to full range
forearm - in same position with elbow at 90 degrees - repeatedly pronate and supinate hand in alternating directions
wrist - hold forearm just proximal to wrist and flex then extend then rotate their hand on their wrist
what do you use to assess/compare power
medical research council scale (MRC)
0 = nothing
1 = flicker of muscle contraction only
2 = movement of muscle at joint, only when gravity is eliminated
3 = movement of joint against gravity buit not against resistance
4 = some resistance (just a bit weak)
5 = full power
myotome for shoulder abduction
myotome for shoulder adduction
myotome for elbow flexion
myotome for elbow extension
myotome for wrist extension
myotome for wrist flexion
myotome for finger extension