sterneoclavicular joint
saddle type
acromioclavicular joint
plane type
elbow joint (humeroulnar and radiohumeral) joints
hinge type
proximal radioulnar joint
pivot type
radoiocarpal joint
ellipsoid type
distal radioulnar joint
pivot type
what happens to the bones in the forearm during pronation?
radius moves over ulna
what are the 3 ligaments in the elbow?
lateral collateral ligament
medial collateral ligament
annular ligament
attachments of lateral collateral ligament
lateral epicondyle of humerus to annular ligament
attachments of medial collateral ligament
medial epicondyle of humerus to ulna
annular ligament wraps and surround the …..
joints in the hands from proximal to distal
proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
name the axis-appendicular muscles on the back
latissimus dorsi
rhomboid minor
rhomboid major
innervation of trapezius
CNXI - spinal accessory
latissimus dorsi innervation
thoracodorsal nerve
rhomboid muscles innervation
dorsal scapular nerve
name the axis-appendicular muscles on the front
pectoralis major
pectoralis mino
serratus anterior
pectoralis major innervation
medial and lateral pectoral nerves
pectoralis minor innervation
medial pectoral nerves
serratus anterior innervation
long thoracic nerve
muscles in the scapular region
rotator cuff
levator scapulae
levator scapulae innervation
dorsal scapular nerve
4 rotator cuff muscles
teres minor
role of the rotator cuff muscles
hold the humerus in the glenoid fossa
how much of the humeral head is in contact with the glenoid fossa at any one time?
compartments of the arm
anterior and posterior
muscles in anterior compartment of the arm
biceps brachii
innervation of muscles in anterior compartment of the arm
musculocutaneous n.
actions of muscles in anterior compartment of the arm
flexion of arm and forearm
BB also supinates forearm
muscle in the posterior compartment of the arm
triceps brachii
innervation of the muscle in the posterior compartment of the arm
radial n.
action of muscle in the posterior compartment of the arm
extension of arm and forearm
superficial layer of anterior compartment of the forearm
pronator teres
flexor carpi radialis
palmaris longus
flexor carpi ulnari
intermediate layer of anterior compartment of forearm
flexor digitorum superficialis
deep layer of anterior compartment of forearm
flexor pollicus longus
flexor digitorum profundus
pronator quadratus
innervations of anterior compartment of forearm
all median nerve
flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of flexor digitorum profundus = ulnar nerve
actions of anterior compartment of forearm
flexion of the wrist and digits, pronation, abduction and adduction of the wrist
7 muscles in superficial layer of posterior compartment of forearm
brachioradialis extensor carpi radialis longus extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor digitorum extensor digiti minimi extensor carpi ulnari anoconeus
5 muscles in deep layer of posterior compartment of forearm
supinator abductor pollicus longus extensor pollicus longus extensor pollicis brevis extensor indicis
innervation of posterior compartment of forearm
radial nerve
actions of posterior compartment of the forearm
extension of the wrist and digits
abduction and adduction of the wrist
muscles in the thenar (thumb) eminence
abductor pollicis brevis
flexor pollicis brevis
opponens brevis
muscles in the hypothenar (little finger) eminence
abductor digiti minimi
flexor digiti minimi brevis
opponens digit minimi
innervation of thenar eminence and what pathology can affect this area
recurrent branch of median nerve
carpal tunnel syndrome
innervation of the hypothenar eminence
deep branch of the ulnar nerve
what the two kinds of intrinsic muscles of the hands?
lumbricals and interossei
what are the lumbricals attached to
tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
innervation of the lumbricals
medial n. for the lateral 2
ulnar n. for the medial 2
role of the dorsal interossei
abduction of digits
role of palmar interossei
adduction of digits
innervation of the interossie
ulnar n.
where does the brachial plexus originate?
anterior rami of C5-T1
where does the brachial plexus pass through?
the axilla to the medial arm
what do the cords of the brachial plexus travel around?
the brachial artery
brachial plexus
really tired drink coffee now
roots trunks divisions cords nerves
anterior and posterior for each
joining of divisions
anterior of superior and middle trunks join
posterior of all 3 trunks join
anterior of inferior stays alone
lateral (2 anterior trunks)
posterior (3 posterior trunks)
medial (1 anterior trunk)
lateral and medial ->
posterior ->