Upper Limb Flashcards
A 52 year old male presents with gradual-onset, anterolateral shoulder pain, worse on overhead movements. It is worse at night. On examination he has a painful arc. He is investigated with an MR arthrogram. What is the diagnosis and most appropriate management?
Rotator cuff related shoulder pain.
Relative rest and active rehab
What is the Hawkin’s test used to diagnose?
What is the Neer’s test used to diagnose?
What is the Jobe’s test used to diagnose
What are the stages of rotator cuff syndrome?
I: oedema and haemorrhage, <25, reversiblele with conservative management
II: Fibrosis and tendinitis, 25-40, recurrent pain with activity
III: Bone spurs and tendon rupture, >40, progressive disability, Needs cuff repair
A 47 year old man presents with gradual onset lateral deltoid pain and shoulder weakness, it is worse with overhead activity. He has a positive painful arc and weakness in ER but negative drop arm test. What is the most likely diagnosis and management?
Partial thickness rotator cuff tear.
Relative rest, analgesia and active rehab.
Surgery if chronic
A 47 year old man presents with acute onset lateral deltoid pain and shoulder weakness, it is worse with overhead activity. He has a positive painful arc and weakness in ER with positive drop arm test. What is the most likely diagnosis and management?
Full thickness rotator cuff tear.
Early surgical repair
A rugby player receives a blow to an abducted ER, extended arm and presents after acute pain and restricted ROM. He has loss of the normal shoulder contour. What is the management?
Early reduction using Spazo technique. Check neuromuscular status, Polysling then x-ray.
Refer to T&O within 1 week
What pathologies can occur alongside shoulder dislocation?
Banklart lesion: soft - labrum (90% of <30s), bony: bone avulsion
Hill-Sachs: Cortical depression in humeral head created from compression of glenoid rim
What are the risk factors suggesting possible fracture after a dislocation?
- Age >40
- 1st time dislocation
- Significantly traumatic mechanism
Which patients need early surgery after shoulder dislocation?
- Irreducible dislocations
- Displaced greater tuberosity fractures
- Bankart fractures with instability
What is TUBS instability?
Traumatic, Unidirectional with Bankart lesion, needing Surgery
- Mostly anterior shoulder dislocations
Which surgery has faster return to sport after shoulder dislocation?
Lararjet procedure
8 weeks: full ROM, RTS 12 weeks
(Vs 3-4 months for Bankart repair)
What is the cardinal sign of posterior shoulder dislocation?
Limited ER
What is the classic presentation for someone with AIOS?
Recurrent pain when throwing, recurrent subluxations, ‘dead arm’ syndrome.
What is AIOS instability?
Acquired Instability Overuse Syndrome
What examination findings would there be for an individual with AIOS?
Positive apprehension and relocation test
Scapular dyskinesia, GIRD, labral pathology
What is AMBRI instability?
Acquired Multidirectional Bilateral instability, that often responds to Rehab but may require Inferior Capsular shift
What is the typical presentation of someone with AMBRI?
Hypermobile, or repetitive trauma, especially at extremes of motion
What are the examination findings of someone with AMBRI?
Positive Posterior subluxation test
Weak ER
What is the management of someone with AMBRI?
Avoid stretching, rehab
May require inferior capsular shift
What is the Polar classification of shoulder instability?
Type I: Traumatic/structural
Type II: Atraumatic/structural
Type III: Muscle patterning/non-structural
An individual falls onto an outstretched elbow and reports anterior shoulder pain. They have clicking and pain in the cocking position. What is the likely underlying diagnosis?
Labral tear
What is the O’Brien’s test used to diagnose?
SLAP lesions
What is the Crank test used to diagnose?
Labral tear
What is the Speeds test used to diagnose?
Bicep and SLAP lesion
What is the gold-standard test for a Labral tear?
What is the management for a Labral tear?
Active rehab - also used for scapula dyskinesia and GIRD
Surgery if persistent
An 20 year old individual presents with shoulder stiffness. On examination they have reduced cross-body adduction and IR. What is the likely diagnosis and management?
GIRD (Glenohumeral Internal Rotation Deficit)
Stretching, strengthening and taping
What stretches are used for GIRD?
Cross-body stretch and sleeper stretch
What are the different type and movement patterns of scapula dyskinesis?
Type I: Prominent inferior angle, reduced posterior tilt
Type II: Prominent medial border, reduced ER
Type III: Prominent superior border, reduced upward rotation
What is the most common mechanism of injury for a clavicle fracture?
Fall onto point of the shoulder/ direct contact
A 23 year old horse rider presented with pain in her shoulder after falling off her horse. There is localised tenderness and swelling to the superior shoulder. What are the top differentials?
ACJ fracture
ACJ dislocation
What is the management for a clavicle fracture?
Figure of 8 bandage to prevent foreshortening, monitor for 3-4 weeks.
Self assisted shoulder flexion to 90 degrees
What are the indications for surgery after a clavicle fracture?
Skin compromised by bony fragments, foreshortening >1-2cm, non-union
Type IIa and IIb fractures (medial to CC ligament or between CC ligament)
A 24 year old rugby player presents a few days after a match with shoulder pain. He reports he had a dodgy tackle and landed on his shoulder during the match. Since then it has been painful when lying on that side in bed. What examination findings would you expect for ACJ disruption?
Tender directly over ACJ
Step deformity
Positive scarf test
Pain on horizontal flexion
What scoring system is used for ACJ injuries
Rockwood score
What is the management for ACJ disruption according to the Rockwood score?
I: PRICE + ROM exercises ASAP, RTS as per pain (~2 weeks), overhead 6 weeks
II: Same as I but few days in sling
III: Sling 2-3 weeks. ROM + strength ASAP. Normal activity in 6-12 weeks. RTS when full ROM and strength regained
IV-VI: Surgery
A 45 year old weight lifter presents after a sudden sharp pain in his arm and a tearing sensation when lifting weights. His pain has now resolved. On testing elbow flexion there is a visible lump in his upper arm. What is the likely diagnosis and management?
Long head of biceps rupture
Surgery if performing powersports otherwise can reassure
A 38 year old weight lifter presents after sudden pain in his medial arm during a bench press. He has localised swelling and tenderness. Resisted adduction is weak. What is the likely diagnosis and management?
Pectoralis Major tear
Partial rupture: use + strengthening programme
Complete: Surgery
A cricket fielder presents with significant sudden onset posterior shoulder pain after an impressive catch in a match where his arm was abducted. On examination he has increased passive ER and weakness of IR. Gerber lift off sign is positive. What is the most likely diagnosis and management?
Subscapularis tear
Immediate surgical repair
A 45 year old woman presents with deep throbbing shoulder pain which is worse at night. She gets a sharp sudden pain when she dropped her keys and tried to catch them. On examination she is tender over the coracoid and apprehension test is positive. Passive ER is very painful. What is the likely diagnosis?
Frozen shoulder
What is the usual time course for frozen shoulder?
18-24 months
A 24 year old rugby player is in severe pain after a shoulder-to-shoulder contact in a game. There is local pain and swelling to the sternal border on the injured side. What are the different grades of SCJ injury?
1st degree: most common, sprain
2nd degree: Clavicle subluxes - complete tear of SCL, partial tear of CCL
3rd degree: Complete tear of SCL and CCL, complete dislocation
What is the management for SCJ subluxation?
Figure of 8 bandage 1-2 weeks + symptomatic management
What is the management for an SCJ anterior dislocation?
Reduce with lateral traction on abducted arm and pressure on medial clavicle. Immobilise 3-4 weeks
What is the management for a SCJ Posterior dislocation?
Closed reduction under GA as soon as possible. Figure-of-8 bandage for 4 weeks
A 24 year old weightlifter presented with exertional antecubital pain. Examination reveals pain on resisted flexion and supination. Hook test is normal. Tilt test is positive. What is the position for MRI and the likely diagnosis?
Biceps overload
A 22 year old boxer presents with intermittent pain in their arm with a progressive loss of flexion. During their last fight they had a momentary loss of arm function as their arm went dead. On examination there is pain on end of range flexion. What is the likely diagnosis?
Anterior impingement
A 25 year old diabetic weight lifter presents with pain on full elbow extension which is affecting their training. They have pain and comparable weakness on resisted elbow extension. What is the likely diagnosis?
Triceps overload
What is the Veigas test used to diagnose?
Triceps rupture
A 24 year old rugby player falls onto an outstretched hand and develops sudden pain, bruising of the posterior elbow and an inability to extend their arm against gravity. What is the likely diagnosis?
Triceps tendon rupture
A 24 year old boxer has reported gradually worsening pain particularly after a missed punch. He has now lost range in his fights due to an inability to fully extend his arm. He reports intermittent locking of his arm and there is pain at end of range extension on examination. What is the likely diagnosis?
Posterior impingement
What are the different types of presentation for lateral elbow tendinopathy?
- Insidious onset 24-72 hours after unaccustomed repeat wrist extension
- Sudden onset lateral elbow pain after single wrist extensor exertion
What tendon is typically affected in lateral epicondylitis when there is pain on resisted wrist extension?
What tendons are typically affected in lateral epicondylitis when there is pain on resisted middle finger extension?
An individual presents with lateral elbow pain after a recent fall, landing on the elbow with no fracture detected in X-ray. They have maximal tenderness over the anterolateral aspect of the radial head. Diagnosis is confirmed on USS. What is the likely diagnosis?
Radiohumeral bursitis
What is the Mill’s test used to diagnose?
Lateral epicondylitis
What is Maudley’s test used to diagnose?
Lateral epicondylitis
What is Cozen’s test used to diagnose?
Lateral epicondylitis
A 45 year old tennis player who uses a lot of topspin presents with gradually worsening medial elbow pain. On examination they have pain on wrist flexion and pronation. What is the likely diagnosis?
Medial epicondylitis
A 24 year old pitcher presents after acute pain in this elbow during a game. He was throwing a pitch and felt a pop in his elbow. He was unable to continue. On examination he has tenderness just distal to the medial epicondyle with pain on valgus stress. What is the likely diagnosis?
Medial collateral ligament sprain
What is the typical presentation of a chronic medial collateral ligament sprain?
Gradual onset pain localised to the medial elbow, worse on late cocking or early acceleration phase
What does the milking manoeuvre test?
Medial/Ulnar Collateral Ligament
What amount of displacement indicates an elbow fracture is stable?
What is the most common complication of elbow fractures?
What age group most commonly get supracondylar elbow fractures, and by what mechanism?
Children ~12 years old
FOOSA (e.g. from height/bicycle)
What is the management for a supracondylar elbow fracture?
They are rotationally unstable so an orthopedic emergency.
Required closed reduction under GA
What indicates an olecranon fracture is stable?
If they can extend their arm against gravity and it is non-displaced
What is the management for a stable olecranon fracture?
Immobilise for 2-3 weeks in a posterior splint. Then use a removable splint + ROM programme
What is the management for an unstable olecranon fracture?
Open reduction and internal fixation
What are the associated injuries with a radial head fracture?
Capitellum, coronoid and olecranon fractures
MCL ligament injury
What is the grading for radial head fractures?
I: Undisplaced
II: Displaced wedge fragment
III: Comminuted
IV: Fracture dislocation
What is the management for type I radial head fractures and healing time?
Splint + early ROM, complete healing in 6-8 weeks
What injury pattern is the terrible triad?
Coronoid fracture (usually avulsion)
Radial head fracture
Elbow dislocation
What is the typical mechanism of injury for a posterior elbow dislocation?
FOOSH - shoulder abducted, axial compression, forearm supinated then forced flexion of the elbow
What is the grading for posterior elbow dislocations?
- Subluxation
- Incomplete dislocation (perched)
- Complete dislocation
What is the management for a posterior elbow dislocation with an undisplaced radial fracture?
Conservative management: sling for 2-3 weeks
Also for small coronoid fractures
What is the management for posterior elbow dislocations associated with large coronoid fracture?
Reduced and fixed surgically
What is the management for a posterior elbow subluxation?
Brace/splint with forearm in pronation
What is the main ligament preventing posterolateral and rotator instability?
Ulnar part of LCL
A rugby player with a previous elbow dislocation presents with recurrent painful clicking and reports their arm intermittently locks in extension. Positive chair test. What is the likely diagnosis?
Posterolateral and rotatory instability (PLRI)
What test is used to test for posterolateral rotatory instability?
Posterolateral rotatory apprehension test
Chair test
Push up test
What is the management for chronic posterolateral and rotatory instability?
Ligament reconstruction with a free ligament autograft
A pitcher is attempting to throw his PB speed when he feels sudden pain and instability in his medial elbow. How do you assess laxity and what ligament is affected?
Test valgus stress at 30 degrees
Acute rupture of MCL
What is the management of an incomplete acute MCL rupture?
Protect in a brace. Muscle strengthening for 3-6 weeks. Gradual return to sport
What is the management for an acute complete elbow MCL rupture, and why?
Surgical repair as prone to instability
A cheerleader feels sudden onset pain in the elbow during training after trying to catch a team member when they fell out of a lift. The team mate landed on their forearm causing them both to fall and which forced their elbow into hyperextension. They were unable to continue training. What is the likely ligament injury?
Stress to the anterior band of the MCLC
What is a Monteggia fracture?
Ulnar fracture with radial head dislocation at the elbow
What is a Galeazzi fracture?
Radial fracture with dislocated ulnar at wrist
What is the acceptable amount of angulation in a radius and ulnar fracture in a child? What is the management over this amount?
Up to 10 degrees. Otherwise reduce under LA or GA. Immobilise in pronation
What is the amount of acceptable angulation in a radial and ulnar fracture in an adult for return to sport?
Needs perfect reduction. Most will need internal fixation then cast/crepe bandage for 8-10 weeks
What is the management of stress fractures?
Rest, correct any predisposing factors
What is the typical presentation of Posterior Interosseous Nerve entrapment?
Maximum tenderness over the supinator muscle. Pain over forearm extensor mass
Pain on resisted supination, with elbow flexed to 90 degrees
Aching wrist
Pain in mid/upper 1/3 humeral pain
What is the management for PIN entrapment?
Soft tissue therapy over supinator at entrapment site
Neural tissue mobilisation
A competitive arm wrestler complains of generalised anterior elbow pain which radiates into their forearm. They have paraesthesia over the first three fingers. They have subtle wasting of the thenar muscles and it is starting to affect them competing. What is the likely diagnosis and management?
Pronation Teres Syndrome (Median Nerve Entrapment)
Activity modification. Occasionally required surgical resection of the humeral head of pronation teres
What are the indications for an open reduction of a distal radius fracture?
Dorsal communition
Intraarticular involvement
Instability on reduction
Dorsal angulation >20 degrees
Articular surface step >1mm
Radial shortening >5mm
What is the management of a distal radius fracture if there is volar plate involvement?
Surgical intervention with early mobilisation
What is the conservative management of a distal radius fracture?
Reduction with cast in <20 degrees flexion and ulnar deviation (x-ray at 3 and 6 weeks)
What are the 3 examination findings that suggest scaphoid fracture?
- Tender over anatomic snuffbox
- Tender over scaphoid tuberosity (in radial deviation)
- Pain on axial compression of the thumb
What is the management for a stable scaphoid fracture?
Immobilise for 8 weeks in scaphoid cast
What scaphoid fractures require immediate percutaneous reduction and internal fixation?
Unstable, angulated >15-20 degrees or significantly displaced fractures
What is the management of a scaphoid fracture with incomplete union after 8 weeks in a scaphoid cast?
Immobilise for further 4-6 weeks
What is the management of a scaphoid fracture with non-union?
CT. Fixation with simple bone graft
What is the management of necrosis after a scaphoid fracture?
Vascularised bone graft
What is the typical mechanism of injury and the complications of a trapezium fracture?
MOI: Axial compression from thumb metacarpal
Complications: Often accompanied by a Bennett’s fracture, degenerative arthritis, reduced carpometacarpal motion, painful pinch grip
What is the management of a non-displaced trapezium fracture?
Thumb spica cast
A 14 year old gymnast presents with dorsal wrist pain associated with training. XR shows haziness around the physis. What is the likely diagnosis?
Radial epiphyseal injury
What is a complication of a radial epiphyseal injury?
Positive ulnar variance
What is the management of a radial epiphyseal injury?
Adaptive technique
Flexor strengthening + bracing (to reduce hyperextension)
Alternate swinging and loading skills in training
What is the pathophysiology of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis?
Affects the synovium of APL and EPB tendons in fibrosseous tunnel at radial styloid
What is the Finklestein test used to diagnose?
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis and FCR tendinopathy
What is the management of De Quervain’s tenosynovitis?
Splinting, local eletrotherapeutic modalities, stretches and graduated strengthening
Pen build-up and golf-grip widener reduces stretch on tendons
CSI + LA can help
In rare cases surgical release is necessary
A 22 year old elite rower presents with wrist pain and a crunching sensation when they move their wrist. On examination it is swollen on the radial side of the wrist with tenderness proximal to the radial styloid. What is the most likely diagnosis and appropriate management?
Intersection syndrome
Acute surgical intervention with immediate return to training and events
In non rowers CSI into the junction
What is the pathophysiology of intersection syndrome?
True tendonitis between the 1st (APL + ERB) and 2nd (ECRB + ECRL) dorsal wrist tendon compartments
What is contained in extensor compartment 1 of the wrist?
Abductor pollicis longus + Extensor pollicis brevis
What is contained in extensor compartment 2 of the wrist?
Extensor carpi radialis longus + Extensor carpi radialis brevis
What is contained in extensor compartment 3 of the wrist?
Extensor pollicis longus
What is contained in extensor compartment 4 of the wrist?
Extensor digitorum + Extensor indices
What is contained in extensor compartment 5 of the wrist?
Extensor digiti minimi
What is contained in extensor compartment 6 of the wrist?
Extensor carpi ulnaris
What are the possible treatment options for a painful ganglion?
Aspiration +/- CSI infiltration under USS: has a temporary effect
Persistent ganglions: Surgery - remove neck
What x-ray view is best to diagnose, and what are the x-ray findings for an anterior dislocation of lunate?
Lateral view
Lunate tilted volarly, not articulating with capitate
What is the management of an anterior dislocation of lunate?
Urgent open reduction and primary ligament repair followed by cast for 8 weeks
What are the associated injuries with a perilunar dislocation of lunate?
Fractured waist of scaphoid and dorsal capitate dislocation
What are the complications of not having urgent surgery with a perilunar dislocation of lunate?
Long-term instability and radiographic wrist arthritis
A 22 year old badminton played trips during a match and falls onto an outstretched hand. They are examined in A&E and found to have no swelling, with tenderness 2cm distal to Lister’s tubercle, Watson’s test is positive. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Scapholunate dissociation
What is the most appropriate imaging for a Scapholunate dissociation and what are the x-ray findings?
Stress films - clenched fist PA view
Scapholunate gap
What is the management of Scapholunate dissociation?
Open reduction and reconstruct ligaments plus temporary internal fixation
What is the complication of Scapholunate dissociation?
SLAC wrist (Scapholunate advanced collapse)
A 21 year old gymnast presents with gradual onset wrist pain and reduced range of motion. On examination there is some central dorsal wrist swelling with pain on palpation in this area. Their x-ray shows a negative ulnar variance. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Kienbock’s Disease
What is the conservative management for Kienbock’s disease if <3 months from onset?
Restrict high-level impact loading.
Prolonged casting and persistent radiology follow up
What surgical procedure is offered for Kienbock’s’s disease?
Radial shortening osteotomy - results in slightly reduced grip strength
Salvage procedures are required for advanced cases due to carpal collapse
What mechanism (and sport) predisposes Scaphoid Impaction Syndrome?
Repetitive hyperextension stresses (weight-lifting/gynmastics)