Upper Leg Flashcards
Tensor fascia lata
- Lateral aspect of crest of ilium b/w ASIS and tubercle of crest
- Iliotibial tract of fascia lata
- Stabilizes the knee in extension
- Superior gluteal n. [L4, L5, S1]
Gluteus maximus
-Ilium behind posterior gluteal line -Sacrum -Coccyx -Sacrotuberous ligament
- Iliotibial tract
- Gluteal tuberosity of femur
- Hip Ext. /ER
- Inferior gluteal n. [L5, S1, S2]
Gluteus medius
- Ilium b/w Ant. and Post. gluteal lines
- Greater trochanter
- Hip Abd. /IR
- Superior gluteal n. [L4, L5, S1]
Gluteus minimus
- Ilium b/w Ant. and Inf. gluteal lines
- Greater trochanter
- Hip Abd. /IR
- Superior gluteal n. [L4, L5, S1]
- Ant. surface of sacrum
- Greater Trochanter
- Hip ER
- N. to piriformis [S1, S2]
Superior gemellus
- Ischial spine
- Greater Trochanter
- Hip ER
- Nerve to Obturator Internus and Superior Gemellus [L5, S1, S2]
Obturator internus
- Deep surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bone
- Greater Trochanter
- Hip ER
-Nerve to Obturator Internus and Superior Gemellus
[L5, S1, S2]
Inferior gemellus
- Ischial Tuberosity
- Greater Trochanter
- Hip ER
- Nerve to the inf. gemellus and quadratus femoris [L4, L5, S1]
Quadratus femoris
- Lateral aspect of the ischium just anterior to the ischial tuberosity
- Intertrochanteric crest
- Hip ER
- Nerve to the inf. gemellus and quadratus femoris [L4, L5, S1]
- Ischial tuberosity
- Medial surface of proximal tibia (pes anserinus)
- Hip Ext / IR
- knee flexion
- IR of the flexed knee
-Tibial division of sciatic n. [L5, S1, S2]
- Ischial tuberosity
- Medial surface of proximal tibia (pes anserinus)
- Hip Ext / IR
- knee flexion
- IR of the flexed knee
-Tibial division of sciatic n. [L5, S1, S2]
Biceps femoris
Long head:
-ischial tuberosity
Short head:
-middle third of linea aspera
- Lateral aspect of Fibular head
- Lateral Condyle of the Tibia
Long head: -Knee flexion -Hip Ext./ ER Short Head: -Knee flexion -ER of the flexed knee
Long head:
-Tibial division of sciatic n. [L5, S1, S2]
Short head:
-Fibular division of sciatic n. [L5, S1, S2]
Psoas major
- T12-L5 TPs, vertebral bodies, and IVDs.
- Lesser trochanter of femur
- Hip flexion and ER
- Trunk Flexion
-Anterior rami [L1, L2, L3]
- Iliac fossa
- Lesser trochanter of femur
- Hip flexion and ER
- Trunk Flexion
-Femoral n. [L2,L3]
- Anterior superior iliac spine
- Pes anserinus
- Hip Flex. /Abd. /ER
- Knee flexion
- IR of the flexed knee.
-Femoral n. [L2,L3]
Rectus femoris
- Anterior inferior iliac spine
- Quadriceps femoris tendon
- Hip flexion and knee extension
- Femoral n. [L2,L3,L4]
Vastus lateralis
- Lateral part of intertrochanteric line
- Lateral margin of gluteal tuberosity
- Lateral lip of the linea aspera
- Margin of greater trochanter
- Quadriceps femoris tendon
- Knee extension
- Femoral n. [L2,L3,L4]
Vastus medialis
- Medial part of intertrochanteric line
- Medial lip of linea aspera
- Medial supracondylar ridge
- Pectineal line
- Quadriceps femoris tendon
- Knee extension
- Femoral n. [L2,L3,L4]
Vastus intermedius
- Upper 2/3 of lateral surfaces of femur
- Quadriceps Femoris Tendon
- Knee ext.
- Femoral n. [L2,L3,L4]
- Pectineal line of the pubis
- Oblique line extending from base of lesser trochanter to proximal surface of linea aspera (pectineal line of femur)
- Hip flexion and adduction
- Femoral n. [L2,L3]
Adductor longus
- Body of pubis
- Linea aspera
- Hip adduction and rotation
- Obturator n. (anterior division) [L2,L3,L4]
Adductor brevis
- Body of pubis
- inferior pubic ramus
- Linea aspera
- Hip adduction and rotation
- Obturator n. (anterior division) [L2,L3,L4]
Adductor magnus
Adductor part:
-Ischiopubic ramus
Hamstring part:
-Ischial tuberosity
Adductor part:
-linea aspera
Hamstring part:
-Adductor tubercle
-Hip adduction and rotation
Adductor part: -Obturator n. [L2,L3,L4] Hamstring part: -Tibial division of sciatic n. [L4] Obturator n. [L2,L3]
- Body and inf. ramus of pubic bone
- Pes anserinus
- Hip adduction and knee flexion
- Obturator n. [L2,L3]