Upper GI Flashcards
What are main causes of oesophagitis?
Viral (Herpes simplex or CMV) and gastric reflux
RF (same as reflux) = male, caucasian, overweight
Barrett’s Oesophagus = chronic reflux cam cause bening stricture (fibrosis).
What are the two types of oesophageal cancer and what are they caused by?
- Squamous cell carcinoma: from oesophagus cause by tobacco, hot drinks, male, black - can ulcer. Mostly middle & lower 1/3
- Adenocarcinoma: caused by BO, lower oesoph (squamous mucosa replaced by columnar mucosa).
What is the aetiology & pathology of chronic gastritis?
Aetiology: can be autoimmune (anti-parietal & anti-intrinsic factor Ab), H. Pylori (no pathology - increased risk of gastric cancer & MALT lymphoma), chemical injury e.g. NSAIDS
Pathology: inflammation of mucosa, glandular atrophy, intestinal metaplasia
What is aetiology & pathology of acute gastritis?
Usually due to chemical injury e.g. NSAIDS, alcohol or H, pylori (more common in antrum).
Path: same as chronic except erosions and haemorrhages can occur.
Where is peptic ulcer disease most common and what is it caused by?
Location: 1st part of duodenum, junction of antrum, and GOJ
Aetiology: hyperacidity, H pylori, reflux, drugs etc
What distinguishes acute and chronic peptic ulcer disease?
Acute = full & thick coagulative necrosis of mucosa, necrotic debris Chronic = clear cut edges overhanging bas,s carrying throughout entire gastric wall with
Describe pathogenesis of Coeliac Disease:
gut reacts to gliadin (component of gluten) -> induces epithelial cells to express IL-15 -> activated CD8+ cells and intraepithelial lymphocytes -> these kill enterocytes
How can you diagnosis Coeliac Disease?
Biopsy is diagnosis. Serology would show IgA antibodies to tissue transglutaminase (TTG) or IgA/G antibodies to deaminated gliadin. Or, anti-endomysial antibodies (highly specific but less sensitive).
What are associated diseases with Coeliac Disease?
Dermatitis Herpetiformis (itchy rash), lymphocytic gastritis, lymphocytic colitis. ALSO cancer: enteropathy-associated T cell lymphoma, small intenstinal adenocarcinoma. Long term comps: anaemia, female infertility, osteoporosis.
What would you expect to see macroscopically in a diffuse-type gastric cancer (versus intestinal)?
linitis plastica - thickened wall. Occurs in Hereditary diffuse type HDGC.
What mutation in hereditary HDGC?
germline CDH1/E-cadherin mutation.
What are types of gastric cancer?
Adenocarcinoma = most common
- or endocrine/MALT lymphoma/ stromal tumours GIST
What is aetiology of gastric cancer?
diet (smoked meat/fish/pickled veg), H. Pylori, bile reflux (post-Billroth II operation), hypochlorhydria (allows bacterial growth), hereditary (cadherin genes).
What is aetiology of GOJ cancer?
What is aetiology of gastric body/antrum?
H. Pylori and diet (salt, low fruit & veg). NO ASSOCIATION WITH REFLUX.
What is microscopy of intestinal cancer versus diffuse?
Well or moderately differentiated.