Upper Airways & Larynx Flashcards
How does the epithelial layer of the vocal cords differ from the rest of the pulmonary/respiratory system?
It has a mucosal layer. This actually makes it the “stop gate” of the respiratory system because the muscosal layer makes it the narrowest portion.
Why can’t someone with a coughing fit or an asthma attack talk to you?
They can’t create a constant source for the noise, which is typically a constant stream of air that passes through the vocal folds.
What are the 3 components of voice production?
Source (air), vibratory production (larynx), and resonance (supraglottic and oral phase).
Why does a cold change your voice? What component of vocal sound is being changed?
Since the nose is stuffed there is no nasal resonance. The resonance component is being changed.
T or F?
The thyroarytenoid muscles are the fasting twitching muscles in the body
Second fastest. The eyes are faster, but the point is to remember that those muscles are moving a ton.
Why does the larynx move up when you swallow?
To keep whatever you’re swallowing from getting into the airway.
We’re the only organism that shares a common airway and digestive opening.
What is the only complete ring in the larynx?
The cricoid.
What muscle is the only muscle to open the vocal folds?
The posterior cricoarytenoid muscle.
What nerve and cancers should be considered when someone gets a hoarse voice?
Lung or thyroid cancers.
The nerve is the recurrent laryngeal nerve along the left side of the larynx that a mass can impinge upon.
T or F?
The larynx is located relatively lower in the neck in children than in adults.
It’s located higher, gives them a higher pitch.
Men’s larynx elongates during puberty, make pitch even lower.
What are the frequencies of men’s and women’s voices?
Men’s=150-200 Hz.
Women’s=200-300 Hz.
Differentiate between dysphonia and dysarthria
Dysphonia=general alteration of voice quality. Laryngeal source.
Dysarthria=defect in rhythm. Basically it’s a neurological/muscular source (often after stroke)
Someone has inspiratory stridor, what is most likely involved?
What about for expiratory stridor?
Inspiratory: Supraglottic, extrathoracic
Expiratory: Tracheal, Large bronchi intrathoracic
Biphasic: laryngeal, immediate subglottis. (Subglottic stenosis)
You look at an X Ray image for a patient and notice a thumb sign around the neck. What is this indicative of?
Inspiratory stridor.
What are the MOST COMMON causes for acute and chronic hoarseness?
Acute=Viral laryngitis