Upper airway Flashcards
Compare and contrast stridor and sterdor
Harsh vibratory sound of varible pitch caused by partial airway obstruction or collapse and the resultant turbulent airflow through some portion of the airway from the nose to trachea
Inspiratory stridor is usaully associated with obstruction above the glottis- expiratory stridor with intrathoracic obsturction and biphasic typically with crtical or fixed obstruction at any level
Snoring or stertor is a low pitched inspiratory noise caused by nasal or nasopharyngeal osbtruciton
Discuss congential differential of stridor
Supraglottic (nose, epiglottis, pharynx) -
- Micrognathia
- Pierre RObin syndrome
- Treacher collins syndrome
- macroglossia
- downs
- storage disease
- lingual thyroid
- thyroglossal cyst
Glottic (larynx, vocal cords)
- Layrngomalacia
- vocal cord paralysis
- layngeal web
- laryngocele
Subglottic trachea
- subglottic stenosis
- tracheomalacia
- tracheal stenosis
- vascular ring
- haemangioma cyst
Discuss Acquired differentials of stridor
- Adenopathy
- tonsillar hypertrophy
- Quinsey
- foreign body
- pharyngeal abscess
- epiglottitis
- papilloma
- foreing body
- croup
- bacterail tracheitis
- subglottic stenosis
- foreign body
Other anaphylaxis
Discuss IX of stridor
lateral and AP neck x-rays may be helpful to assess the adenoid and tonsillar size, contour of the epiglottis, thickness of the retropharyngeal soft tissue space, valecular and aryepiglottic folds and tracheal air colum.
CXR can assess the heart size, trachea and bronchi, location of the aortic arch and presese of other bronchial pathology.
Bedisde fiberoptic nasopharyngscopy allows for visulalization and assessment of the supraglotic structures and vocal cords.
CT and MRI may be needed
Discuss retropharyngeal abcess
Potentially life threatening airway emergency resulting from infection of the retropharyngeal soft tissue space. The retropharyngeal space is a potential space between the posteiror pharyngeal wall and the prevertebral fascia
usually seen in infants to toddlers because the lymphatic chains are prominent in the young and atrophy before puberty
Approximately 50% of paediatric cases occur in children 6-12 months of age and most occur before 3 years of age.
Discuss caustive organims for retrophayngeal abcesses
Most commonly polymicrobial with streptococcus and anaerobes(fuscibacterium, bacteroids, peptostreptococcus) the most commonly isolated organisms.
Consider MRSA in severe infection such as juglar venous thrombosis or mediastinal extensions
Discuss clinical features of retropharyngeal abcess
Typically progress from cellulitis to organised phlegmon to mature abcess.
Common sings and symptoms include fever, sore throat, neck stiffness or nuchal rigidity, torticolis, trismus, neck swelling, drolling stridor and muffled voice.
Stridor and respiratory distress may occur if a large abscess compresses the trachea – typically appearance can resemble that of epiglottitis.
reluctance to extend the neck and an unwillingness to look side to side is often seen with retropharyngeal abscess
Discuss IX of retropharyngeal abscess and list complications
Soft tissue lateral x-ray of the neck may be helpful to establish the diagnosis- in a normal patient the retrophayrgneal space should not exceed the diameter of the adjacent verebral body. An airfluid level may be present in perforation or anaereboic infection.
- Airway obstruction
- mediastinitis
- septicaema
- aspiration pneumonia if rupture
- internal jugfular vein thrombosis
- jugular vein suppurative thrombophlebitis (Lemierre’s syndrome)
- carotid artery rupture
- atlantoaxial dislocation
Discuss management of retropharyngeal abscess
Depends on patient and how unwell
A- severe airway compromise requires urgent airway securing and drainage – abcess can distort anatomy ideal inutbation would be in theatre with fibreoptics after gas induction
If nil airway compromise can receive a trail fo antibitioc therapy for 24-48 horus without surgical drainage–initial ABS include clindamycin 15mg/kg TDS + Augmentin 50mg/kg QID
if not responding add in vanc to cover for MRSA
Discuss peritonsilar abcess
Most common deep neck infection and usually occurs in children and teenages – drolling and a muffled hot potatoe voice can occur but severe respiratory distress is unusual.
Associated with trismus, buldging or asymmetry of the tonsils and deviation of the uvula away from the abcess side
IVABs are insufficient to treat peritonsillar abcess but may resolve a phlegmon
Predominantly bacterail - strep and staph (including MRSA) and respiratory anaerobes
Discuss ludwigs Angina
Agressive, rapidly spreading woody induration or brawny cellulitis of the sublingual, submandibular and submaxillary spaces with potential for airway obstruction
Most patient have dental sources of infection which are usually polymicrobial - the spread of the infeciton is direct and not lymphatic and most patients will have bilateral involvement wihtout lymphadenopathy
Enlargment and elevation of the tongue above the lower teeth, a tender woody induration in the sublingual space, trismus and odynophagia are hallmark signs.
Same bacteria as retropharyngeal and peritonsillar abcess
Discuss management of Ludwigs Angina
A:- pending airway emergency – difficult airway due to distorted anatomy – theatre awake fibreoptic – double set up
Antibiotics - immunocompetent
- Augmentin 1.2gram QID
- Ceftriaxone 2g BD + metronidazole 500mg IV TDS
- Meropenum 1G TDS
Antibiotics immoncompromised
-Cefepime 2g TDS
Meropenum 2G TDS
-Piptaz 4.5 G QID
Early sugrical decompression is unlikley to locate pus and at best may only moderately improve the airway – needle aspiration can be performed
Discuss epiglottitis
Invasive bacterial disease that causes inflammation and oedema of the epiglottis, aryepiglottic folds, arytenoids and surrounding supraglottic tissues.
As these structures become inflamed and distended they protrude downward and over the flottic opening. - Supraglottic swelling reduces the upper airway caliber and causes turbulent airflow during inspiration. – Since the advent of the HIB vaccine epiglottis is relatively more common in older children
HIB is still the most common infectious cause of epiglottitis in chlidren - Additional bugs include Hi influenzae types A and F, strep and staph. Immunocompromised can suffer from pseudomonaes aerugniosa and Candida
Discuss clinical features of epiglottis
Classicaly acute onset however with bacteria other than HIB can be slwoer. Is marked by high fever, intense sore throat, toxicity and rapid progression.
Children with epiglotitis appear anxious and maintain a sniffing position with the jaw jutting foward and the neck extended to maximize airway patency
Drooling is common due to inability to swallow. Toxicity altered mental status, dyspnea, stridor, retraction and fecer are common initial symptoms.
Thumbprint sign will be seen on lateral soft tissue x-ray - thickened aryepiglottic fold and lack of air in the vallecula and a dilated hypopharynx are all seen on x-ray n
Discuss management of epiglottis
Securing the airway takes precedent over diagnostic evaluation. A stable patient his is maintaining their airway and oxygenating should not be moved or repositioned for examination or labs
If unstable BVM should be used to attempt to assist ventilation – if successful continued until inutbation can be complete if not double set up with front of neck access (needle cric or scaple bougie)
Ideal fibreoptic in theatre with anaethetics and ENT
Ceftriaxone 1G bD or 50mg/kg