UPDATED 100 Essential Japanese Phrases Flashcards
Good morning
ohayou gozaimasu: おはようございます
Hello / good afternoon
konnichiwa: こんにちは
Good evening
konbanwa: こんばんは
It’s been a while
hisashiburi: 久しぶり
How are you?
genkidesu ka: 元気ですか?
I’m fine
genkidesu: 元気です
What’s your name?
o namae wa nan desu ka?: お名前は何ですか?
I am Ebony
Ebony desu です
I am … / It is …
… desu: …です
I am …
watashi wa … desu: 私は…です
I am from England and Indonesia
watashi wa Igirisu to Indoneshia karakimashita: 私は… から来ました
I like it
suki desu: 好きです
I like sweets
Okashi ga suki desu.
Can replace “okashi” with anything
It’s good
ii yo: いいよ
I don’t like it
suki dewa arimasen: 好きではありません
iie, durian ga suki dewa arimasen
no, I don’t like durian
It’s no good (formal, assertive)
dame だめ
A lot
takusan: たくさん
A little
sukoshi: 少し
What time is it?
ima nanji desu ka?: 今何時ですか?
It’s … o’clock
… ji desu: …時です
Add a number, for example:
Ichiji desu.
It’s 1 o’clock.
Let’s talk in Japanese
nihongo de hanashimashou: 日本語で話しましょう
hai: はい
That is right / betul
soudesuka: そうですか
Used in conversation to confirm you’re listening, like “right”, polite
That’s right
sou desu: そうです
Of course
mochiron: もちろん
ii desu yo: いいですよ
“That’s good!”
It’s a little… (inconvenient) - saying no
chotto…: ちょっと…
If you use chotto, remember to trail off at the end, as you’re basically saying, “It’s a little…” For instance, if someone asks what you’re doing tomorrow afternoon with the aim to meet up, you can respond “Chotto…” to mean that tomorrow afternoon’s not an ideal time for you.
I don’t understand
wakarimasen: 分かりません
Please say that again
mou ichido itte kudasai: もう一度言ってください
Slowly, please
yukkuri onegai shimasu: ゆっくりお願いします
I didn’t hear that
kikoemasen deshita: 聞こえませんでした
Doushite ka?
What is this?
Kore wa nan desu ka?
Excuse me
I’m sorry
Gomen nasai (ごめんなさい)
Alright ; okay
Daijobu (大丈夫)
I’m good (rejecting something)
Daijoubu desu (だいじょうぶ です)
How can I get to (name of place)?
Douyatte (name of place) ni ike mas ka?
Kawaii (かわいい)
How much is this?
Ikura desu ka? (いくらですか?)
Water, please
Mizu o onegaishimasu (水をお願いします)
I am 21 years old
21歳です (Ni juu issai desu)
No problem (response to thank you)
mondai nai desu: 問題ないです —
Please (requesting)
kudasai: ください
Please (offering)
douzo: どうぞ
See you!
jaa, mata!: じゃあ、また!
Take care
o genki de: お元気で
Where is the toilet?
Toire wa doko desu ka?
トイレはどこですか ?
Who is she?
Kanojo wa dare desu ka?
How old are you?
Oikutsu desu ka?
Used to refer to something close to the speaker.
kore: これ
Used to refer to something close to the listener.
sore: それ
That (over there)
Used to refer to something far from both the speaker and the listener.
are: あれ
I’m hungry
onaka ga suite imasu: お腹が空いてます
Where are you from?
どこからきましたか? (Doko kara kimashita ka?
It’s delicious!
oishii desu!: おいしいです!
I’m full
onaka ga ippai desu: お腹が一杯です
Let’s dig in (eating meal, say before eating)
itadakimasu: いただきます
Let’s go
Once your plans are decided, it’s time to head out by saying this phrase.
ikimashou: 行きましょう
yatta!: やったー!
Where are you from? (formal)
(Anata no) shusshin wa doko desu ka?
Do you speak Japanese?
Anata wa Nihon-go o hanashimasu ka?
Yes, I speak Japanese a little.
Hai, watashi wa sukoshi Nihon-go o hanashimasu.
How long have you been learning Japanese?
Dono kurai Nihon-go o benkyō shite imasu ka.
For ____ months
___-kagetsu desu.
“For 3 months”
san-kagetsu desu
Have you been to ___?
___ ni itta koto ga arimasu ka?
Yes, I have been.
Hai, itta koto ga arimasu.
No, I have never been.
Iie, itta koto ga arimasen.
What are (you) doing?
何してますか? Nani shite masu ka?
Where are you going?
Doko ikimasu ka?
I am a university student
私は大学生です watashi wa daigakusei desu
Sorry for my bad Japanese
heta na nihongo sumimasen
I’m back! (home)
ただいまー (tadaima-)
Nice to meet you
はじめまして (hajimemashite)
Nice to meet you too
よろしくお願いします (yoroshiku onegaishimasu)
Sorry for bothering you (entering a house)
お邪魔します (ojama shimasu)
What’s the word… / How do you say…
「なんていうんだっけ、、、」[nante iun dakke]
hontou ni?
Do you like Japan?
nihon wa suki desu ka?
What …. do you like?
Suki na ….. wa nandesuka?
Sukina eiga wa nandesuka?
What movies do you like?