Up Keep Flashcards
Income tax brackets
PA - £12,750
Basic - £12,751 to £50,270
Higher - £50,271 to £125,140
Addit. - Over £125,141
Personal savings allowance
Starting - £5,000
Basic - £1,000
Higher - £500
Additional - £0
Dividend allowance
Will be £500 in 24/25
Dividend income tax rates
Basic - 8.75%
Higher - 33.75%
Additional - 39.35%
When will an individual’s personal allowance of £12,570 reduce?
When I come is above £100k, allowance will reduce by £1 for every £2 of income
When can you transfer personal savings allowance and how much of this?
Providing neither partner is above a basic rate tax payer. Can transfer 10% of PSA (£1,257)
CGT allowance for:
Indiv. - £3,000
Trusts - £1,500
Corporation tax rate bands
Upto £50k - 19%
£50k to £250k - 26.5%
Over £250k - 25%
ISA & JISA allowance
£20k & £9k
- Nil rate band
- Chargeable lifetime transfer rate
- usual rate
- discounted rate (due to charity donations)
- NRB - £325k
- CLT - 20%
- usual - 40%
- discounted - 36%
Residence nil rate band:
Allowance amount
Can this be transferred to spouse on top of spouses own on death?
Gift allowances:
Annual exemption from IHT:
- small gift allowance
- gift on marriage - patent, grand, etc.
- gift for charity or political party
- gift for national benefit
- what is the one acception to the above?
Annual exemption - transfers upto £3k per tax yr and can carry forward 1yr (so £6k max)
- small gifts - max. £250 per recipient
- gifts considering marriage - £5k max from parent, £2.5k from grandparent, £1k from anyone else max.
- gifts for education and marriage - unlimited upto age 18
- gift for charity and political parties - unlimited
- gift for national benefit - unlimited
- gift out of normal expenditure - gifts made regularly that do not effect standard of living are exempt
IHT will taper down on gifts over how many years?
Pension scheme annual allowance
Max. tax relief on pension contributions
Can this be carried forward? If so, how?
Rule for max contribution tax allowance
Higher of £3,600 or 100% of annual salary upto £60k
Can carry upto £40k forward for each year upto 3yrs
Can only make personal contribution upto £60k or if have carry forward available then upto 100% of annual salary
Pension Lifetime allowance
Money purchase annual allowance
£1,073,100 (to be abolished in 24/25?)
£10,000 for all sources of contributors
Annuity protection
Protect amount purchased annuity for
Purchase annuity for £250k
Die when paid out total of £50k
Family will receive a lump sum of £200k
Widow protection on annuity
If die then widow will receive chosen % of annuity til they die
Temporary annuity
Guaranteed income for a specified term at the end of which the purchaser will be paid a guaranteed amount aka maturity value (client can then decide to purchase a new one or keep funds)
Do you pay IHT on a pension?
Not at the moment but will from April 2027
Unit trusts & OEIC’s for equity and non-equity funds:
Income tax (1), CGT (1) & IHT (1)
non-equity fund:
- Taxed as savings income with PSA
equity fund:
- Taxed as dividends with dividend allowance
- Usual CGT rules apply and can offset losses
Subject to IHT unless written in trust
Pension annual allowance:
- no income
- if earn less than £60k
- if earn over £60k
- no income - £3,600
- if earn less than £60k - you can personally contribute upto gross annual salary but employer can top this up to a max. of £60k
- if earn over £60k - Capped at £60k for current yr but can use carry forward upto current tax yr salary for personal contributions then upto annual allowances and carry forward of employer making contributions
Carry forward amount and how many tax yrs can you go back?
£40k for 3 previous tax yrs
Main rules for carry forward (3)
Must earn atleast amount you are wanting to contribute to pension (unless employer is making this contribution on your behalf)
Must be a member of a UK registered pension scheme
Use earliest yr first after current yr
Tapered annual allowance
Starts at what amount of income
Threshold income
Reduces pension annual allowance down to max of £10k
For every £2 over £260k then AA reduced by £1
If threshold income are less than £200k then no matter how high employer pension contributions are then TAA will not apply
Can you use carry forward for money purchase annual allowance?
When is MPAA triggered? (Explain 6 ways)
When flexibly accessing pension so essentially when taking an income from pension past 25% tax free lump sum:
- Capped drawdown
- UFPLS - take a mix of tax free cash and income
- Take an income from flexi access drawdown
- Flexible drawdown - take an income they choose as and when
- Flexible annuity
- Occupational pension scheme taken
Basic state pension
New state pension
Reach SPA before 6th April 2016
Reach SPA from 6th April 2016
Voluntary contributions for state pension can be made when and how far back can they apply?
Can be made upto tax yr before SPA and restricted to last 6yrs records
Are pensions apart of your estate on death?
Not currently but will be from April 2027
If a director earns salary and dividends what are their personal contributions limited to?
How to overcome this?
What does this save?
Salary only
Company make pension contributions directly as part of remuneration package and then limited to £60k annual allowance of tax free contributions
- directors pension increases
- saving on corporation tax for company
- saving on NI contributions
Can personal pensions be used abroad?
Can State pension be used abroad?
Yes, may be extra fees if use an abroad bank account
Yes, but all means tested pension credit will stop and increases to SP may stop depending on the country
If contributing to a UK pension abroad what are the 2 limitations?
Contributions limited to £3,600 tax free
To receive tax relief must have been resident in 1 of last 5 yrs and be a member of a UK registered pension scheme
What is tax rate if exceed pension annual allowances and carry forward?
How do you pay this?
Taxable at marginal rate
Self assessment or if meet the requirements then can pay from the pension pot
Who must confirm MPAA is triggered? Who to? Have how many days?
Pension member must tell scheme within 91 days
What doesn’t trigger MPAA? (4)
Take tax free cash alone
Taking DB income
Small pots rule/DB triviality payments
Death benefits
What is main limitation to carry forward and making contributions to a pension?
Must earn the amount you are contributing to pension personally (unless employer is making this contribution
E.g. if looking to contribute £100k within a tax yr then must earns atleast £100k
If MPAA has been triggered can you use carry forward?
Current lifetime allowance
(Excludes state pension & inherited pensions)
What if access funds above lifetime allowance?
Tax rate:
- take as lump sum
- designated as income
Subject to tax charge
Lump sum - 55%
Designated as income - 25% but also both subject to tax at marginal rate when funds taken
What happens at age 75 with regards to lifetime allowance?
Benefit crystallisation event - Uncrystalised pensions tested against LTA and any excess suffers from 25% charge
Second test on drawdown funds on amount of funds that went into drawdown (not including tax free cash payment) - value at age 75 = amount tested against LTA
Primary protection of LTA (3)
Pension rights of over £1.5mil on 5th April 2006. Amount over can then use as % to increase current LTA by.
Underpin of 1.8mil.
Can continue to contribute to pension
Enhanced protection of LTA (4)
No min. value
No further contributions allowed to keep this protection
No LTA tax charge to make ever
Keep % of PCLS if over 25%
Fixed protection of LTA (2)
Keep LTA at the time of either £1.8m, £1.5m, 1.25m dependent upon the protection
No further contributions allowed to keep this
Invididual protection
Keep LTA at the time of between £1.25m to £1m dependent upon the protection
Further contributions allowed to keep this
Protected tax free cash
Value of tax free cash on April 2006 is more than 25% then keep this as tax free cash protection
Lost if transfer funds to another scheme
Types of annuity and their tax implications:
- purchased life annuity
- purchased annuities certain
- pension annuity
- deferred annuity
- annuities for beneficiaries
- immediate needs annuity
- purchased life annuity - paid from lump sum til death and pays capital and interest element - taxed only on interest received and can use PSA to reduce tax liability
- purchased annuities certain - paid for a set term regardless of death - same tax as PLA (above)
- pension annuity - paid as a result of a pension scheme - taxable in full as earned income
- deferred annuity - capital is handed over but annuity does not begin for set period - same tax as PLA (above)
- annuities for beneficiaries - paid as per trust or will - taxable in full as savings income
- immediate needs annuity - often used to fund care home fees and pay larger annuity payments as shorter life expectancy - if paid directly to care home then no tax liability
Annuity add-ons:
Guarantee period
Widows, dependent or survivors pension
Annuity protection
With-profit annuity
Unit-linked annuity
GP - a guarantee the annuity will pay for a period of time even in the event of death will be paid to beneficiaries but if live past this GP then this will continue to be paid til death
Widows, dependent or survivors pension - pay a percentage of original income until beneficiaries death
AP - beneficiaries receive a lump sum of original annuity cost - income received. So if annuity is £250k - £50k income then beneficiaries would receive £200k
WP - income is based on anticipated bonus rates and income will reduce or increase in line with this. Usually has a cap and collar
UL - income based on fund performance. Usually has a cap and collar.
Temporary/fixed term annuity
Guaranteed income for a set term. Purchaser will then receive a guaranteed amount at the end of the term aka maturity value.
Are personal contributions to pension pot topped-up? If so, how?
Personal contribution automatically topped up 20% by gov.
Then if higher or additional rate tax payer, than do self assessment to reclaim additional 20% or 25% also.
How is carry forward reduced from previous contributions?
Any contributions made are taken off the £40k e.g. if personal contributions of £10k then have £30k carry forward for that year
What happens if have no will and have wife and kids?
Wife gets £322k, all chattels and half of remaining amount above this, remaining half goes to children
What happens if have no will and no wife but kids?
Kids get whole estate
What happens if have no will and have no wife or kids?
Goes in order of:
1. Parents
2. Brothers/Sisters
3. Uncles/Aunties
What happens if have no will and have nobody?
Estate goes to the crown
What rights do grandchildren have if someone does without a will?
Treated the same as children if the grandchild out lives their parent (child of deceased)
What if someone dies and part of their estate not mentioned in will?
Those assets then have usual intestacy rules applied e.g. spouse £322k…
Discretionary fund management (DFM)
Advisory fund management (AFM)
DFM - Act within a remit for client so do not ask for permission per transaction
AFM - Cannot make a transaction without clients permission
What happens if have no POA and lose mental capacity?
Is this expensive?
What is POA similar to?
Effectively finances are frozen until under go a very lengthy process and a court give power for someone to look after your finances. This may not be who you would have chosen.
Legal fees to this process and more expensive than POA.
Almost like an insurance product on yourself and must do before lose capacity or it’s too late.