Uottawa#lexique Flashcards
Wear and tear
Ia a term for damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of normal use or aging
Laced with
To add a small account of alcohol or a drug to a drink
To force something out of your mouth
Boil down to
Account for
< it’s a complicated argument but it really boils down to the fact that others animals don’t really have anything to talk about>
Wiped out
nettoyer- essuyer
effacer- laver (fig- insulte)
Ècouter illégalement
< and, perhaps, to protect our knowledge and windsom and skills from eavesdropping from outside>
On the face of it
At the first glance
Without knowing all of the relevant facts
Rev up
Your heart revs up, and you hope this humanoid machine turns your way again
She describes it almost like a school girl crush.
Again and again, she saw how even a relatively clumsy robot dog could spark a deep emotional response.