unusual verbs Flashcards
To fall
Yo caigo Tu caes El/Ella/usted caen Nosotros/nosotras caemos Ellos/ellas/ustedes caen
I am
Yo estoy
To do, to make
Yo hago Tu haces El/ella/usted hace Nosotros/nosotras hacemos Ellos/ellas/ustedes hacen
To put
Yo pongo Tu pones El/ella/usted pone Nosotros/nosotras ponemos Ellos/ellas/ustedes ponen
To give
Yo doy Tu das El/ella/usted da Nosotros/nosotras damos Ellos/ellas/ustedes dan
To bring
Yo traigo Tu traes El/ella/usted trae Nosotros/nosotras traemos Ellos/ellas/ustedes traen
To see
Yo veo Tu ves El/ella/usted ve Nosotros/nosotras vemos Ellos/ellas/ustedes ven
To hear
Yo oigo Tu oyes El/ella/usted oye Nosotros/nosotras oimos Ellos/ellas/ustedes oyen
To contract
Yo contraigo Tu contraes El/ella/usted contrae Nosotros/nosotras contraemos Ellos/ellas/ustedes contraen
To close
Cerrar (ie)
Yo cierro Tu cierras El/Ella/usted cierra Nosotros/nosotras cerramos Ellos/Ellas/ustedes cierran
To attend to, to wait on, to see (patients)
Atender (ie)
To begin to, to start to
Comenzar (ie) a
Empezar (ie) a
To understand
Entender (ie)
To snow
Nevar (ie)
To think
Pensar (ie)
To prefer
Preferir (ie)
To lose
Perder (ie)
To break
Quebrar (ie)
To want, to love (when talking about people)
Querer (ie)
To feel
Sentir (ie)
To have
Tener (ie)
Yo tengo
To come
Venir (ie)
yo vengo
To eat lunch
Almorzar (ue)
To count, to tell a story
Contar (ue)
To cost
Costar (ue)
To sleep
Dormir (ue)
To rain
Llover (ue)
To die
Morir (ue)
To show
Mostrar (ue)
To be able, can
Poder (ue)
To remember
Recordar (ue)
To ring
Sonar (ue)
To dream
Soñar (ue)
To return, to go back, to come back
To serve
Servir (i) (para)
Yo sirvo Tu sirves El/Ella/usted sirve Nosotros/nosotras servimos Ellos/Ellas/ustedes sirven
To Play, to gamble
Jugar (ue)
Yo juego Tu juegas El/Ella/usted juega Nosotros/nosotras jugamos Ellos/Ellas/ustedes juegan
To follow, to continue, to still be
Seguir (e–>i)
Yo sigo
To ask for
Pedir (e–>i)
To get, to acquire
Conseguir (e–>i)
Yo consigo
To say, to tell
Decir (e–>i)
Yo digo Tu dices El/Ella/usted dice Nosotros/nosotras decimos Ellos/Ellas/ustedes dicen
To laugh
Reír (e–>i)
Yo río Tu ríes El/Ella/usted ríe Nosotros/nosotras reímos Ellos/Ellas/ustedes ríen
To smile
Sonreír (e–>i)
Yo sonrío Tu sonríes El/Ella/usted sonríe Nosotros/nosotras sonreímos Ellos/Ellas/ustedes sonríen
To go
Yo voy Tu vas El/Ella/usted va Nosotros/nosotras vamos Ellos/Ellas/ustedes van
I’m going to work.
Voy a trabajar.
We’re going to help.
Vamos a ayudar.
They’re going to come back.
Van a volver.
To be going to
Ir a
To try to
Tratar de
Miguel has just started.
Miguel acaba de empezar.
The ambulance has just arrived.
La ambulancia acaba de llegar.
Miguel remembers the accident again.
Miguel vuelve a recordar el accidente.
It’s raining again.
Vuelve a llover.
To have just (done something)
Acabar de (+ infinitive)
To (do something) again
Volver a (+ infinitive)
Lets eat!
Vamos a comer!
Lets get started!
Vamos a empezar!
Lets see!
Vamos a ver!
To know (factual, concrete knowledge of things)
Yo se
The rest is regular conjugation
To know (general knowledge or acquaintances with people or places)
Yo conozco
The rest is regular conjugation
To recognize
Yo reconozco
The rest is regular conjugation
To drive
Yo conduzco
The rest is regular conjugation
To obey
Yo obedezco
The rest is regular conjugation
To disobey
Yo desobedezco
The rest is regular conjugation
To offer
Yo ofrezco
The rest is regular conjugation
Yo traduzco
The rest is regular conjugation
I know how to play the piano.
Yo se tocar el piano.
Manolo knows how to play soccer.
Manolo sabe jugar fútbol.
Doctors know how to take care of their patients.
Los médicos saben atender a sus pacientes.
Have you ever been to Nicaragua?
Conoces Nicaragua?