Untitled spreadsheet - Sheet1 Flashcards
Lead-time Bias
earlier diagnosis does not = extended life expectancy
Female incidence & mortality of cancer
Incidence of cancer in women: breast > lung > colon; Mortality of cancer in women: lung > breast > colon
blurs the exposure & outcome association when a THIRD variable correlates with both (EtOH use & bladder cancer, no link bc smoking is assoc. w/ bladder cancer & smokers are more likrely to drink)
Sensitivity & Specificity
Sn = A/(A+C) Sp = D/(D+B)
Mean > Median > Mode
Attributable Risk Percent
ARP = 100 x (RR-1)/RR
Prevalence vs Incidence
Incidence = new cases/at risk pop; Prevalence = # of cases/total pop; Prevalence = incidence x duration of disease
Relative Risk Reduction
RRR = ((AR:control)-(AR:tx))/AR:control
Positive Predictive Value
PPV = A/(A + B)
Cohort Study
Odds ratio = Odds of exposure in diseased/Odds of exposure in non-diseased
test compares the mean of 2 groups of subjects (regardless if groups are different or same)
Chi-Square test
Categorical data comparison; comparing >/= 3 groups
If RR b/w 2 studies is the same but the p-value varies
sample size may have been too small
Correlation coefficient
0: no correlation b/w the 2; 1: absolute correlation, -1: perfect inverse correlation
Hawthorne Effect
subjects change behavior knowing they are being studied
Observer Bias
double-blind studies reduce observer bias
Relative Risk
RR = (a/a+b) / (c/c+d)
1-type II error (b)
Negative Predictive Value
Likelihood that a negative test means the patient does not have a disease NPV= D/(C+D)
Reliable tests
Reproducibility of a test
Reduction of risks
smoking is almost always the #1 reducible mortality risk
Statistical significance
if the 95% CI does not include 0 the Ho can be rejected
PPV is higher when the prevalence of ds increases
NPV is lower when the prevalence of ds increases
Which enzyme is capable of adding uracil to DNA?
24yo w/ UTI most commonly from
E. coli
Where would uric acid renal crystals most likely form?
In the collecting duct where there is an acidic pH
Tuberous sclerosis
renal angiomyolipoma (fat, blood v, & sm m.) + ash-leaf spots + brain hamartomas
Ureters course anterior to which structure
Internal iliac a. (& under the uterine a. or vas deferens)
The cause of death in an infant w/ Potters syndrome
pulmonary hypoplasia -> respiratory distress
Renal hypoplasia would likely result in hyperplasia of
modified SM cells, JG cells, that then increase their release of renin
Acute transplant rejection
weeks; Host T-cells attack donor MHC II molecules
Adrenal mass + low renin + high BP + hypokalemia
Aldosterone secreting tumor –> Tx w/ Spironolactone or Eplerenone
Post-streptococcal Glomerulonephritis - deposits of
C3, IgG, IgM
Elderly pt experiencing Digoxin toxicity d/t age-related
decrease in renal clearance
Tx for diabetic nephropathy
Investigator knows which participants are in experimental group
Observer bias
Tx for chronic renal failure
Loop diuretics
Acid/Base imbalance in Type I DM pt
Metabolic acidosis (low bicarb)
Alcoholic Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome + hypoglycemia
Which enzyme in the TCA cycle is most impaired? Alpha-ketoglutarate (thiamine pyrophosphate is a cofactor)
RNA w/ dihydrouracil, thymidine, acetylcytosine —>tRNA acceptor stem 3’
3’ CCA tail
Tumor Lysis Syndrome prevention
Allopurinol (xanthine oxidase inhibitor) or Rasburicase (urate oxidase: converts urate to allantoin)
Septic shock -> lactic acidosis
decreased oxidative phosphorylation
Aspiration pneumonia
superior region of lower lobe & posterior upper lobe; stroke, altered consciousness, etc increase risk
Glutamate is replaced by lysine (missense mutation) -> increased positive charge of Hb
Frameshift mutation
deletion or additions not in the multiple of 3
In glucokinase deficiency, what enzyme contributes to cataract formation?
Aldose reductase: converts galactose –> galactitol
Tyrosine kinase receptor - MTOR pathway
autophosphorylation of tyrosines -> PI3K activation -> Akt activation -> MTOR activation -> translocates to nucleus -> TF
Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency
impaired beta-oxidation, cannot utilize fats for energy or produce ketones -> severe hypoglycemia during starvation, low ketone bodies
What type of bond accounts for alpha-helix & beta-pleated sheets?
Hydrogen bonds
Thyroid hormone receptors
intranuclear receptors
Spoon nails (koilonychia) & dysphagia + anemia
Iron deficiency anemia
Treatment for HSV-2 infection
Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famciclovir: gets incorporated in viral DNA -> viral DNA replication termination
Type of mutation seen w/ HNPCC/Lynch Syndrome
abnormal mismatch repair enzyme (MSH2, MLH1 -> MutS, MutL homologs)
2-alpha, 2-gamma
Supplementation for Measles infection
Vitamin A
Leptin receptor K/O mouse
Leptin -> neuropeptide Y -> decrease appetite; Leptin levels - high, but mouse’s appetite remains high
Child w/ diarhhea exposed to puppy w/ diarrhea
N. meningitidis meningitis prophylaxis for close-contacts
Downward displacement of the lens + renal infarcts + thrombosis
Homocystinuria –> Cystathionine synthetase deficiency –> Tx: Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Suspected Asthma - Test for Dx
HTN medication S/E of hypercalcemia
Thiazide (Loops lose Ca)
Melanoma - embryonic derivative
Neural crest
N. passing through obturator foramen has what action
Obturator n. innervates adductors of the thigh
Location of enhancer segments
Variable location (same chormosome, w/in gene, another chromosome)
Chronic Granulomatous Disease (abn nitroblue tetrazolium test) -> susceptible to what agents
Catalase (+)
N. for eye adduction (CN3) & corneal reflex (nasociliary n.) enters the orbit via
Superior orbital fissure
Physician morally choosing not to perform abortions should
provide patient w/ referrals for providers who will perform abortions
At peak exercise, which wil be the same in the systemic & pulmonary circulation?
Blood flow/min (always true, exercise or rest)
If a test includes more false pos to capture all true positives, what will be altered
Lower the PPV - PPV = A/(A + B)
Alternative to aspirin for exertional chest pain
Holosystolic murmur heard at apex radiating to L axilla; what predicts severity?
MR - audible S3 indicates large volume of regurgitant flow
Diarrhea –> acute renal failure + schistocytes + hemolysis
HUS-TTP caused by EHEC 0157:H7 consumed in undercooked beef
Pt on Lithium begins new drug for HTN -> lithium toxicity, what’s the HTN med
Thiazides, ACE-I, NSAID will all increase Lithium conc
Ischemic injury to brain 12-24hrs post
Red Neurons (eosinophilic cytoplasm) w/ pyknotic nuclei
Incomplete GB emptying in response to CCK may lead to
Biliary sludge
Ingestion of toxin -> double vision, ptosis, nausea, dry mouth
C. botulinum (descending paralysis) acts by blocking the release of ACh in neuromuscular junctions
Tonsillar exudate + cervical LAD + splenomegaly + heterophile Ab +
No contact sports - inform coach of medical recommendation
Lung cancer rates in women
markedly rose from 1965-2000 when cigarette popularity increased
Bicornuate uterus is d/t
failure of the paramesonephric ducts to fuse
Gingival ulcers + swollen gums + cervical LAD + fever + irritability in 5yo
Herpetic gingivostomatitis d/t HSV-1 primary infection (secondary inf. Present as cold sores typically)
HIV genetics - which gene codes for p24 Ag
gag - p24; env - gp120, gp41; pol - RT, integrase
Adverse outcomes are more likely in smokers, this phenomenon is
Effect modification - effect of an exposure on an outcome is modified by another variable
Post-transcriptional modications
5’ guanosine cap + Poly-A tail (AAUAAA) + intron splicing
Cleft lip - failure of
maxillary prominence & medial nasal prominence to fuse
Patient in denial about terminal cancer
“hope for the best, but focus on maximizing time with family”
Pernicious anemia d/t Ab-mediated destruction of parietal cells found w/in the
Upper glandular layer (just deep to crypts) –> chronic atrophic gastritis
Valproate teratogenic effects
inhibits intestinal absorption of folate —> Neural tube defects
Kinesin protein
anterograde MT motor protein; in neurons kinesin carries vesciles and organelle toward the nn. Terminal
95% Confidence Interval
mean +/- 1.96*SD/_n
progressive neurodegeneration, startles easily, macrocephaly, red macular spot; Accumulated metabolite?
Tay-Sachs Ds: defective b-hexosaminidase A –> accumulation of GM2 ganglioside
F w/ low-volume vaginal bleeding + large cell w/ perinuclear clearing
HPV infection –> Koilocyte
High AFP, what should be r/o: _____________ & neural tube defects
Dating error
Attack rate
F experiencing insomnia, reliving stressful event, w/d
Disease has earlier onset in successive generations
Number needed to harm NNH
NNH = 1/ARR & ARR = Adverse rate in Ctrl group - Adverse rate in Tx group
Ischemic injury to brain 3-5d post
Microglia infiltration –> abundance of lipids in microglia cytoplasm as they phagocytose myelin (~1 week post)
Aggressive behavior + confusion + agitation + nystagmus + ataxia are S/S of
Phencyclidine OD
Cardiac cell AP & ion flux
- Na rapid inward flux 2. slow K+ gates open and K+ exits 3. Ca2+ channels open and Ca2+ flows in
Odds Ratio
OR = (A/C)/(B/D) = (AD)/(BC)
Secretory form of IgA
Dimer attached tail-to-tail is found in mucus, tears, saliva, colostrum
Primary amenorrhea + shortened vagina + rudimentary uterus
Vaginal agenesis or Mullerian Aplasia or Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome
Anti-snRNPs + mixed CT disease; snRNPs are found in?
Perforated ulcer on the posterior duodenal would effect which a.?
Gastroduodenal a.
Which stimuli would cause enlarged gastric rugal folds & parietal cell hyperplasia
Gastrin (Zollinger-Ellison)
Respiratory tract transition from ciliated pseudostratified
Terminal bronchioles: ciliated pseudostratified -> ciliated simple cuboidal (cilia remain until alveoli to propel mucus upward)
Cyst found in a fibrous band extending from ileum to umbilicus
Omphalomesenteric (vitelline duct) is asoc w/ Meckel diverticulum, cyst, fistula
Orotic aciduria + hyperammonemia
Ornithine Transcarbamoylase deficiency
Study w/ group A receiving Tx & group B receiving placebo then after 4 weeks they switch
Cross-over study
Women fears doctor (sweating, anxiety)–> women seens stethoscope & has anxiety, sweating
Classical conditioning
Infant w/ sublingual mass removed —> lethargy, poor feeding, constipation, dry skin; Defect in
Migration - failure of the thyroid to migrate from the lingual area down the thyroglossal duct pathway, removal -> hypothyroidism
Female w/ rib notching + diminished femoral pulses
Coarc of Aorta typically seen in Turner’s Syndrome
N. gonorrhaea infections reoccur w/ out future immunity because
Gonococcal surface antigens undergo high frequency variation
Alcoholic cirrhosis + portal HTN + ascites
Identify portal v. on CT (the one that looks like it is going straight into liver)
Centriacinar emphysema - what cell type is responsible for the damage/development of this condition?
Neutrophils & macrophages release proteases
What type of transmembrane protein in CFTR?
Progressive dyspnea + liver biopsy showing cells filed w/ globules (stain pink w/ PAS)
Globules of unsecreted alpha-1-antitrypsin –> A1AT deficiency leading to panacinar emphysema & liver disease
Focal necrosis + crescent formation on renal biopsy; Crescent is formed form what substance?
Fibrin & plasma proteins (C3), monocytes, macrophages, parietal cells - Goodpasture’s would also have IgG
Conducting an interview in pt w/ language barrier in non-emergency setting
Call for & WAIT for intrepretor
Irradicating HBV would likely also irradicate
Delta agent infection
Med for BPH & HTN
alpha-1-blocker: Doxazocin, Prazocin, Terazosin
Fragile-X-Syndrome mutation
Trinucleotide repeat in FMR1 gene w/ >200 CGG repeats —> Hypermethylation –> Gene inactivation (fragile: thin, constricted X)
Microcytic Anemia resistant to iron, target cells + high HbF; the defect is most likely d/t
Beta-thal minor –> mutations are likely d/t transcription, processing, & translation of beta-globulin mRNA
Injured long thoracic n. can result from
Abd fluid mass compressing psoas major (spontaneous retroperitoneal hematoma 2ndary to Warfarin use)
Psoas compression –> femoral n. neuropathy –> quadriceps weakness, “knee-buckling”, sensory loss over ant. & medial thigh + diminished patellar reflex
S/E of inhaled GA
CV depression, hypotension, respiratory depression, ICP d/t increased cerebral blood flow, low GFR, low RBF, low hepatic BF
Irregularly irregular ECG findings
Afib –> absent P waves, irregularly irregular rhythm, varying R-R intervals; Preceipitated by high SNS, acute illness, EtOH consumption
CO affects hemoglobin by
Competitively binding to heme
Attributable Risk
ARR = Erctrl - Ertx
Infant w/ normal testes & internal male genitalia has poorly dev. ext male genitalia
5-alpha-reductase def –> testosterone is responsible for internal genitalia, while DHT is responsible for external genitalia
Asthma diagnosis
Methacholine challenge
In Pheochromocytoma, what drug is used to lower vascular tension d/t excess catecholamines
Irreversible competitive alpha-1-antagonist —> PHENOXYBENZAMINE
Net Filtration Pressure
(Glomerular Phydro - Poncotic) - (Capsule Phydro - Poncotic)
Polyhydramnios could result from
Anencepahly, GI obstruction (anything that impairs swallowing)
Main contributer of symptomatic relief of Nitrates for angina
decreased cardiac preload (LV volume during diastole); decrease preload, cardiac work, & O2 demand
Acute HBV infection progressed to chronic HBV infection w/ high infectivity
pseudomembranous colitis
Risk factor: antibiotic therapy
MDD tx w/ Fluoxetine + Parkinsons; Tx for Parkinsons that is contraindicated
Selegiline (MAO Inhibitor - Serotonin Syndrome when given w/ SSRI)
Left lower face & left UE paralysis, what vessel is occluded?
Right MCA
Tx for panic ds + agoraphobia w/ MOA: activates Benzodiazepine binding sites on GABA receptor
Seeks medical advise + fx to follow-through on own + guilt about inability
Dependent personality: fear self-care, need excessive reassurance, fear of disapproval
Gerstmann Syndrome (angular gyrus) - MCA
Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Finger agnosia, L/R-disorientation
Dejerine-Roussy Syndrome (dorsolateral thalamus) - PCA
numbness -> burning & tingling -> allodynia& neuropathic pain
Wallenberg Syndrome (lower medulla) - VA
pain&temp loss C/L of body & pain/temp loss I/L on face; nystagmus, Horner’s syndrome, diplopia, I/L ataxia, dysphagia
Weber Syndrome (lower midbrain)
I/L oculomotor n. palsy (down&out+ptosis) + C/L hemiplegia
D2-agonist Tx for restless leg
Sensory to thenar eminence is supplied by
Palmar cutaneous branch of the Median n.
Solid area on brain cross-section that appears darkened
Loss of pupillary light reflex in L eye when light is shone in either eye; Lesion of
Efferent pupillary defect: CN4 lesionon ipsilateral side
Alzheimers: low ACh, degeneration of the
Basal forebrain (basal nucleus of Meynart) & cerebral cortex
Why must mitochondria encode their own tRNA
mitochondria use non-standard genetic code
X-linked agammaglobulinemia - What would be sen on SPEP?
normal alpa, beta peaks, no gamma peak
2d post-strep infection + coca-cola urine + meangial deposits in kidney
IgA Nephropathy (distinguished from PSGN by the length of time b/w strep & GN, complement levels)
SLE + prolonged aPTT + false-neg RPR for Syphilis -> Antiphospholipid Ab Syndrome; Complications include
Recurrent miscarriages, hypercoaguable states (DVT, PE)
Protein necessary to prevent uterus dev
Always address a new patient by
Mr or Mrs
Southwestern blot
DNA-binding protein + dsDNA probe
What parameter is affected by a change in prevalence
PPV & NPV change with prevalence, sensitivity & specificity do not
When hydrostatic pressure of capillaries increase what process initially off-sets this to prevent edema?
Increased lymphatic drainage
b2-antagonist decrease HR and contraction +
decrease catecholamine-dependent renin release from the kidneys
Which substance would be metabolized the fastest?
Fructose-1-phosphate - enters glycolysis after the rate-limiting step
Which diabetic tx increases the C-peptide level?
Glyburide: increase pancreatic release of insulin
CHF pt w/ fluid overload –> Tx (diuretic) –> increased hematocrit; Why?
Relative erythrocytosis
Occlusion of ACA –>
LE motor dysfunction
Anastomoses resulting in esophageal varices
Left gastric v. -> esophageal v. (Hemorrhoids: sup. rectal -> middle&inf rectal; caput: paraumbilical -> superficial&inf epigastric)
Which enzyme is capable of 5’->3’ exonuclease activity
DNA pol I
Lithium-induced nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
antagonizes ADH -> impairing the collecting ducts ability to concentrate the urine
S. bovis infectious endocarditis
colon cancer
Dysphagia + megaesophagus + absent SM peristalsis + Peru
Chagas Disease (megacolon, megaesophagus) caused by Trypanosoma cruzi
Male w/ boobs, small testes, sparse body hair
Klinefelters(XXY) –> testicular atrophy, infertility, low testosterone, high FSH & LH, high estradiol (estradiol:testosterone determines extent of disorder)
Ca2+ release from SR in skeletal mm. does not produce contraction, what protein is defective
Troponin: troponin C binds Ca2+ -> conformation change -> exposes actin -> myosin binds
Feature of Clostridium botulinum
subterminal spore formation
What preents lactation in a pregnant patient?
high Progesterone & Estrogen levels
Myasthenia gravis Sx + mediastinal mass
Thymoma or thymic hyperplasia —> developed from the 3rd pharyngeal pouch (w/ inf. Parathyroid)
H. influenzae grows poorly on sheep agar, S. aureus inoculation promotes its growth, why?
Haemophilus requires chocolate agar + factor V (NAD+) + X (hematin); S. aureus secretes favtor V & hemolysis releases hematin
Why is C. trachomatis resistant to Ceftriaxone?
Lacks cell-wall peptidoglycan
Excretion rate for substance that is freely filtered & reabsorbed
rate of inulin clearance is used as a standard for free filtration, subtract the amount reabsorbed
Injury to the pterion, which vessel is affected
site where temporal, frontal, parietal, & sphenoid meet -> middle meningeal a. rupture (branch of maxillary a.) -> Epidural hematoma
Drainage to superficial inguinal nodes
Anal canal
Maple Sugar Urine Disease, pt should avoid which a.a.
Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine
What vitamins are not supplied in breast milk?
Vitamin D & K
X-linked agammaglobulinemia -> cells bearing which markers would be deficient
B-cells bearing CD19+ & CD20+ are deficient leading to pan-hypogammaglobulinemia
In an emergency + no advance directive
provide emergent life-saving healthcare
What pulmonary tests are increased in emphysema pts
Which TB Tx requires an acidic pH & is most useful against intracellular organisms?
C. Diff Tx
Metronidazole (mild-mod cases), Oral Vanco (severe), Fidaxomicin (recurrent C. Diff): inhibits sigma subunit of RNA pol, oral
Milrinone has what additional effects
Vasodilation in addition to increased contractility (PD-3 inhibitor)
G(+) bacteria subjected to abx followed by destruction when placed in a hypotonic solution, what was the abx?
Destruction in a hypotonic solution suggests cell wall disruption, Cefuroxime acts on G(+) cell wall synthesis
Turner Syndrome, what would bes een on ECG
most common heart defect -> Bicuspid aorta > Coarc of Aorta
Device measures glucose 299, 300, 300 when actual value is 260; the device is
precise (aka reliable) but not accurate
Opioid followed by severe abdominal pain
Opioids can cause SM contraction -> sphincter of Oddi obstruction -> biliary colic
RANK-L overexpression
RANKL on osteoclasts & Osteoprotegerin (OPG) ratio determines the rate of bone resorption. High RANKL = Increased resorption
Child experiences cyanotic episodes & squatting helps releive Sx, what is the defect
ToF, failure of neural crest cell migration
What immune cells are responsible for walling off a TB infection
CD4+ TH1 lymphocytes & Macrophages
Facial dysmorphia + cleft palate + chromosome 22
DiGeorge Syndrome
When a patient is hospitalized (esp if in bad condition) you must inquire about
Advance directives & end-of-life care wishes
Failure of the urethral folds to fuse in males results in
Screening test for a lethal disease should have a high
Vaccinated against HBV