Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is a single member company?
A single member company is a company which has only one member who is also the director. It is governed by special rules, and ‘SMC PVT’ Limited is added to the name of the company.
What defines a private company?
A private company restricts the right to transfer its shares, limits the number of members to fifty (excluding employees), and prohibits public invitations to subscribe for shares or debentures.
Private companies are typically small and medium-sized family-owned businesses.
What is a public company?
A public company is defined as a company that is not a private company. It may apply for listing on a stock exchange.
What is a public listed company?
A public listed company is a form of public company whose securities are listed on an exchange and traded according to regulations.
What is a listed company?
A listed company is a public company or entity whose securities are listed on a securities exchange.
What is a public unlisted company?
A public unlisted company has not offered its shares to the general public, so its shares are not traded on a stock exchange. However, it can make offers to the public as it sees fit.
What is a public sector company?
A public sector company is one that is directly or indirectly controlled or beneficially owned by the Government or its agencies, with at least fifty-one percent of voting securities held by them.
This includes companies where the Government has the power to elect or appoint a majority of directors.