Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is a foot in poetry?
A combination of stressed and unstressed syllables
What is an iamb?
A foot with two syllables, unstressed stressed
What is a trochee?
A foot with two syllables, stressed unstressed
What is anapest?
A foot with three syllables, two unstressed, one stressed
What is dactylic?
A foot with three syllables, one stressed, two unstressed
What is a spondee?
A foot with two syllables, both stressed
What is meter in poetry?
Number of feet in a line
What does tri refer to in poetry?
A line with 3 feet
What does quad refer to in poetry?
A line with 4 feet
What does penta refer to in poetry?
A line with 5 feet
What is a verse?
A single line of a poem
What is a stanza?
A group of verses
What is a sonnet?
14 lines, has a rhyme scheme
What is an ode?
A lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject
What is free verse?
A poetic style that does not feature a set meter or rhyme scheme