Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is Silesia?
A disputed province of Austria and later Prussia, cause of the War of Austrian Succession.
What is St. Petersburg?
The capital of Russia, founded by Peter.
What is Versailles?
A royal palace built by Louis XIV.
Where did the Thirty Years’ War begin?
In Bohemia.
What happened to Poland in the 18th century?
It was partitioned three times by Austria, Prussia, and Russia, leading to its weakness due to infighting.
What was the Peace of Augsburg?
It allowed German princes to choose the religion of their area.
What was the Pragmatic Sanction?
It recognized Maria Theresa’s right to inherit the Austrian throne.
What did the Peace of Westphalia accomplish?
It ended the Thirty Years’ War, weakened the Hapsburgs, allowed the French to gain land, ended religious wars in Europe, established Prussia as a major power, and left Germany divided.
What was the Peace of Utrecht?
It stated that the French and Spanish crowns could never be united, aimed to limit France’s power, and ended the War of Spanish Succession.
What did the Edict of Nantes do?
It granted religious freedom to French Protestants.
Who was Catherine the Great?
A Russian czarina known for her successful foreign policy, gaining a warm water port, a colony in Alaska, extending serfdom, and partitioning Poland.
What were intendants?
Agents of the monarchy in France, typically from the middle class.
Who were the Puritans?
Religious reformers in England who opposed the Anglican church’s retention of Catholic practices.
Who began the War of Austrian Succession?
Frederick II ‘the Great’.
Who were the Junkers?
The Prussian nobility.