Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is the first principle for fostering positive relationships?
Model and Identify Respectful Behavior: Teachers demonstrate respect and identify respectful actions for students.
How can students build connections?
Encourage activities that allow students to know each other.
What is the purpose of class meetings?
Regular meetings for problem-solving and relationship-building.
What are cooperative learning groups?
Group students for collaborative tasks.
What social-emotional skills should be taught?
Provide instruction on empathy, self-awareness, and communication.
How should harassment and bullying be addressed?
Actively address and prevent bullying.
What should teachers be alert to regarding cyberbullying?
Monitor and intervene in digital harassment.
What should teachers recognize about student-student sexual harassment?
Recognize, prevent, and address inappropriate behavior.
Who are common targets of bullying?
LGBTQ Students, Girls and Boys, Special Needs Students, Intelligent and Talented Students, Muslim Students, and ‘Cool Kids’.
What is the first way to address bullying?
Reconceptualize ‘Cool’: Redefine what it means to be respected.
What should not be accepted as a norm?
Do Not Accept Bullying as a ‘Norm’: Create a no-tolerance culture.
How should bullying incidents be handled?
Take Bullying Seriously and Intervene: Always address incidents promptly.
What should bystanders be educated about?
Teach students to support victims and report bullying.
What are rules in the classroom?
Expectations for behavior that everyone follows all the time.
What are routines in the classroom?
Procedures for handling specific classroom situations.
What is a common mistake when teaching rules?
Rambling and being disorganized.
What is the four-part approach for teaching rules?
Rule: Clearly state the rule. Rationale: Explain the reason for the rule. Example: Provide specific examples. Consequence: Define immediate and long-term outcomes.
What are class-running routines?
Non-academic processes that help the class run smoothly.
What are lesson-running routines?
Procedures that directly support instruction.
What are interaction/talk routines?
Guidelines for how and when students can talk.
What are common reasons for teacher reluctance to collaborate with families?
Lack of time, resources, or confidence; Fear of parental interference.
What are common reasons for parent reluctance to collaborate with schools?
Feeling unwelcomed or misunderstood; Language or cultural barriers.
What is a strategy for fostering collaboration?
Maintain open communication.
What is an approach for effective time use in the classroom?
Maintaining Activity Flow: Ensure a smooth and brisk flow of classroom activities.
What are threats to activity flow?
Flip-flopping between topics, stimulus-bounded events, over-dwelling on topics, fragmentation.
How can transition time be minimized?
Use transition routines, give advance transition notices, clearly define beginnings and endings of activities.
How should students be held accountable?
Communicate assignments and homework clearly, circulate, collect, and check homework, track students’ progress.
What is the principle of discipline with dignity?
Address behavior respectfully.
What should be considered when addressing misbehavior?
Be mindful of context: Consider the student’s circumstances.
What is ‘with-it-ness’?
Being aware of everything happening in the classroom.
What are strategies for dealing with more serious misbehavior?
Private conferences, loss of privileges, isolation from the group, contacting parents.
What is the problem-solving approach for chronic misbehavior?
Define the problem, identify solutions, evaluate and implement solutions, monitor results.
What is the behavioral learning approach?
Self-Monitoring, Self-Evaluation, Self-Instruction, Contingency Contracts.
How can cheating be reduced?
Educate about academic integrity.
How should device use be managed?
Set, monitor, enforce, and evaluate rules.
What is important for family communication?
Collaborate to address outside-school behavior.