Untitled Deck Flashcards
What does ‘affable’ mean?
Affable - (AF uh bul) adj. friendly, courteous, amiable; affability n. the quality of being friendly, courteous, amiable
Derivative: affably
What does ‘augmented’ mean?
Augmented - (awg MENT) v. to make greater or to supplement
Derivatives: augmented, augmenter, augmentation
What does ‘emulate’ mean?
Emulate - (EM yuh late) v. to try to equal or to be like another, usually through imitation; emulation n. imitation of another
What does ‘entreaty’ mean?
Entreaty - (en TREE tee) n. a plea, an earnest request; entreat v. to plea or make an earnest request
Derivatives: entreats, entreated, entreatingly
What does ‘exorcise’ mean?
Exorcise - (EK sor size) v. to expel an evil spirit, to get rid of something troublesome; exorcist n. one who expels evil spirits
Derivatives: exorcism
What does ‘instigation’ mean?
Instigation - (in stuh GAY shun) n. urging, provocation, incitement
Derivatives: instigations, instigate, instigator
What does ‘portent’ mean?
Portent - (POR tent) n. a sign or forewarning
Derivatives: portents, portended, portentous
What does ‘spurn’ mean?
Spurn - (SPURN) v. to reject or to refuse with hostility
Derivatives: spurns, spurned, spurning
What does ‘taper’ mean?
Taper - (TAY pur) v. to decrease in thickness or width; n. a wax candle
Derivatives: tapered, tapering, tapers
What does ‘whets’ mean?
Whets - (WHETS) v. to stimulate; to sharpen by grinding
Derivatives: whet, whetted
What does ‘abridge’ mean?
Abridge - (uh BRIJ) v. to shorten, to diminish
Derivatives: abridged, abridges, abridgment
What does ‘confound’ mean?
Confound - (kon FOUND) v. to cause one to become confused; confounded adj. confused or bewildered
Derivatives: confounds, confoundedly, confounding
What does ‘enfranchise’ mean?
Enfranchise - (en FRAN chize) v. to give or to bestow something, such as the right to vote or citizenship; enfranchisement n. the release from slavery or custody, the privileges of free citizens
Derivatives: enfranchiser, enfranchises, enfranchised
What does ‘flourish’ mean?
Flourish - (FLUR ish) v. to thrive, to grow well
Derivatives: flourishes, flourished, flourishing
What does ‘legacy’ mean?
Legacy - (LEG uh see) n. a gift by will, something handed down by an ancestor or predecessor
Derivative: legacies
What does ‘mutinous’ mean?
Mutinous - (MYOOT un us) adj. rebellious, unruly; mutiny n. defiance, resistance, disobedience, revolt
Derivatives: mutinies, mutinousness
What does ‘prostration’ mean?
Prostration - (pros TRAY shun) n. a stretching out due to lacking vitality, being completely overcome; prostrate adj. lying flat, face down in total submission
Derivatives: prostrates, prostrated, prostrating
What does ‘unassailable’ mean?
Unassailable - (un uh SALE uh bul) adj. undisputable, not able to be attacked with success
Derivatives: unassailably, unassailed
What does ‘vanquish’ mean?
Vanquish - (VAN kwishd) v. to conquer, overpower, subjugate
Derivatives: vanquishes, vanquished, vanquisher
What does ‘vouchsafe’ mean?
Vouchsafe - (VOUCH safe) v. to grant or to give, as a favor
Derivatives: vouchsafed, vouchsafing
What does ‘proscribe’ mean?
Proscribe - (pro SCRIBE) v. to denounce or to condemn, to forbid; proscription n. the act of proscribing, prohibition, banishment
Derivatives: proscript, proscriptive
What does ‘mettle’ mean?
Mettle - (MET ul) n. courage or spirit
Derivatives: mettles, mettled, mettlesome
What does ‘chasten’ mean?
Chasten - (CHAY sun) v. to discipline, to use punishment to correct behavior; chastisement n. verbal punishment, rebuke for making a mistake
Derivatives: chastened, chastening
What does ‘contaminant’ mean?
Contaminant - (con TAM uh nunt) n. something that causes impurity; something that defiles or pollutes; contaminate v. to cause impurity, defile or pollute
Derivatives: contaminated, contaminating, contamination