Untitled Deck Flashcards
Where does the ureter lie in relation to the psoas major?
On the anterior surface of the psoas major muscle.
Where does the ureter cross the pelvic brim?
Near the bifurcation of the common iliac artery.
What structures define the pelvic brim?
Obturator Foramen, Pubic Symphysis, Ischial Spine, Sacroiliac Joints, Ischial Tuberosity.
What crosses the ureter superiorly in males?
The ductus deferens near the bladder.
What crosses the ureter anteriorly and superiorly in females?
The uterine artery at the base of the broad ligament.
Why can the ureter be damaged during a hysterectomy?
It lies posterior and inferior to the uterine artery.
What arteries supply the ureter?
Renal artery, Gonadal artery, Abdominal aorta, Inferior vesical artery.
What veins drain the ureter?
Veins corresponding to the supplying arteries.
What is renal colic?
Obstruction of the ureter by a calculus (stone).
Where are the three constrictions of the ureter?
At the pelviureteric junction (L1).
At the pelvic brim (sacroiliac joint).
Where it enters the bladder wall obliquely (ischial spine).
What causes the loin-to-groin pain in renal colic?
Pain propagates along the genitofemoral nerve (L1-L2).
What are the five segmental branches of the renal artery?
Apical, Anteroinferior, Anterosuperior, Posterior, Inferior.
What is the apex of the bladder connected to?
The median umbilical ligament, representing the obliterated urachus.
What muscle forms the muscular layer of the bladder?
The detrusor muscle.
What structures are related to the bladder fundus in males?
Seminal vesicles and ampulla of the vas deferens.