Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is the examination of the state and condition of preservation?
It involves the identification and documentation of a work of art in terms of its raw materials, techniques of creation, and changes due to influences.
Condition documentation is carried out by optical descriptive, historical, technological, and scientific methods.
What does historic recording entail?
It is the reconstruction of the historical identity of a work of art from a past time using scientific tools.
What are the two main aspects of documentation in art?
- Documentation of material facts; Original vs. copy/forgery. 2. Interpretation of materials, manufacturing processes, and craftsmanship.
What is archaeometry?
Application of scientific methods and technologied to archeological studies
What is dendrochronology?
A scientific method used to date wooden objects by analyzing tree rings.
What is the significance of provenance in art history?
Provenance is the chronology of the ownership, custody, or location of a historical object.
What is the purpose of provenance research?
To produce a complete list of owners of a work of art from its creation to the present time.
What does a catalogue entry typically include?
A clear photo of the object, artist, title, physical data, name of institution, and a few paragraphs about the object.
What is attribution in art history?
An assessment of who was responsible for creating a particular work, involving authorship, originality, and authenticity.
What is a pentimento?
The presence or emergence of earlier images or forms that have been changed and painted over by an artist.
What are some academic genres in art history?
Bibliography, encyclopedia, dictionary, monograph, sourcebooks, iconographic manuals, databases, and catalogues.
What is a Catalogue Raisonné?
A catalogue raisonné is a comprehensive, annotated list of all known works by an artist, whether in a particular medium or in all media. It may include various details such as title, size, date, media, current location, provenance, exhibition history, and more.