Untitled Deck Flashcards
What does ‘Abrogate’ mean?
repeal or do away with
What does ‘Acrid’ mean?
having a bitter taste or smell
What does ‘Ambrosial’ mean?
extremely pleasing to the taste
What does ‘Aristocrat’ mean?
a member of a ruling class
What does ‘Bereaved’ mean?
suffering the loss of a loved one
What does ‘Carp’ mean?
complain or find fault in
What does ‘Cynical’ mean?
distrustful of the motives of others
What does ‘Diffuse’ mean?
spread over a wide area
What does ‘Effrontery’ mean?
insolent or brazen behavior
What does ‘Epitaph’ mean?
an inscription on a tombstone
What does ‘Façade’ mean?
appearance that gives false ideas
What does ‘Fusillade’ mean?
a rapid series of shots fired
What does ‘Heinous’ mean?
utterly evil or wicked
What does ‘Imperious’ mean?
arrogant and domineering
What does ‘Indulgent’ mean?
overly generous to or lenient
What does ‘Intrinsic’ mean?
being essential to a thing’s nature
What does ‘Lenient’ mean?
inclined to be merciful
What does ‘Maudlin’ mean?
tearfully emotional and sentimental
What does ‘Nefarious’ mean?
evil, wicked, or criminal
What does ‘Ostensible’ mean?
possibly true but maybe not
What does ‘Perpetuity’ mean?
the quality of lasting forever
What does ‘Precedent’ mean?
an example for future occurrences
What does ‘Proximity’ mean?
state of closeness to something
What does ‘Recognizance’ mean?
a promise made before a court
What does ‘Ruefully’ mean?
expressing sorrow or regret
What does ‘Solvent’ mean?
able to pay one’s debts
What does ‘Summit’ mean?
highest level that can be reached
What does ‘Toady’ mean?
one who flatters hoping for favors
What does ‘Usurp’ mean?
take power illegally by force
What does ‘Wheedle’ mean?
employ flattery to persuade
What does ‘Acrimonious’ mean?
bitter and angry in speech or tone
What does ‘Ameliorate’ mean?
make a bad condition better
What does ‘Aromatic’ mean?
having a pleasant or distinctive smell
What does ‘Bestow’ mean?
present a gift or honor
What does ‘Castigate’ mean?
scold someone severely
What does ‘Conflagration’ mean?
a large destructive fire
What does ‘Dauntless’ mean?
fearless and determined
What does ‘Digress’ mean?
leave the main subject briefly
What does ‘Egalitarian’ mean?
relating to equal rights for all
What does ‘Epithet’ mean?
descriptive nickname or label
What does ‘Facetious’ mean?
meant to be funny or sarcastic
What does ‘Gainsay’ mean?
deny or contradict a fact or statement
What does ‘Heretic’ mean?
a person against established beliefs
What does ‘Impermanent’ mean?
not lasting or durable
What does ‘Industrious’ mean?
diligent and hardworking
What does ‘Introverted’ mean?
focused inwardly rather than out
What does ‘Lethargic’ mean?
sluggish and apathetic
What does ‘Maxim’ mean?
short statement of general truth
What does ‘Negligible’ mean?
insignificant and unimportant
What does ‘Ostentatious’ mean?
meant to impress and attract notice
What does ‘Perplex’ mean?
completely confuse or baffle someone
What does ‘Precipice’ mean?
edge or brink of danger or peril
What does ‘Prudent’ mean?
exercising good judgment
What does ‘Reconciliation’ mean?
restoration of friendly relations
What does ‘Ruminate’ mean?
think deeply about something
What does ‘Somnolence’ mean?
sleepiness or drowsiness
What does ‘Sunder’ mean?
split, break, or wrench apart
What does ‘Torpid’ mean?
mentally or physically inactive
What does ‘Utmost’ mean?
most extreme or greatest
What does ‘Whimsical’ mean?
playfully fanciful; unpredictable
What does ‘Acumen’ mean?
ability to make good judgments
What does ‘Amend’ mean?
make better or improve
What does ‘Arson’ mean?
act of setting fire to property
What does ‘Bewilder’ mean?
cause someone to be confused
What does ‘Cathartic’ mean?
providing psychological relief
What does ‘Confound’ mean?
cause confusion in someone
What does ‘Deadpan’ mean?
deliberately expressionless
What does ‘Diligent’ mean?
marked by steady or earnest effort
What does ‘Egotistical’ mean?
self‐centered or blatantly prideful
What does ‘Epitome’ mean?
a perfect example of something
What does ‘Facile’ mean?
effortlessly done in a superficial way
What does ‘Galvanize’ mean?
shock or excite into action
What does ‘Hapless’ mean?
unfortunate or unlucky
What does ‘Impertinent’ mean?
not showing proper respect
What does ‘Ineffable’ mean?
beyond words or indescribable
What does ‘Intuitive’ mean?
known/perceived by intuition
What does ‘Lettered’ mean?
formally educated or learned
What does ‘Mediate’ mean?
intervene between two parties
What does ‘Nemesis’ mean?
a long‐standing rival or archenemy
What does ‘Ostracize’ mean?
exclude someone from a group
What does ‘Perseverance’ mean?
steadfastness in action or belief
What does ‘Precocious’ mean?
overly mature at a young age
What does ‘Pseudonym’ mean?
fake name used to conceal identity
What does ‘Recuperate’ mean?
recover from illness or exertion
What does ‘Rumpus’ mean?
a noisy disturbance
What does ‘Soporific’ mean?
tending to induce drowsiness
What does ‘Supercilious’ mean?
acting like one is superior to others
What does ‘Tortuous’ mean?
full of twists and turns; complicated
What does ‘Vacillate’ mean?
be indecisive or waver
What does ‘Willful’ mean?
intentional or deliberate
What does ‘Acute’ mean?
experienced to an intense degree
What does ‘Amiable’ mean?
having a pleasant manner
What does ‘Articulate’ mean?
express an idea fluently
What does ‘Biased’ mean?
unfairly prejudiced for or against
What does ‘Caustic’ mean?
sarcastic in a bitter way
What does ‘Congenial’ mean?
agreeable, friendly, and pleasant
What does ‘Dearth’ mean?
a scarcity or lack of something
What does ‘Din’ mean?
loud, prolonged, and irksome noise
What does ‘Egregious’ mean?
outstandingly bad or shocking
What does ‘Equable’ mean?
calm and even‐ tempered
What does ‘Facsimile’ mean?
an exact copy of printed materials
What does ‘Gambit’ mean?
a sacrificial move to gain advantage
What does ‘Heterogeneous’ mean?
consisting of dissimilar parts
What does ‘Impetuous’ mean?
done quickly and without thought
What does ‘Inept’ mean?
having or showing no skill
What does ‘Inundate’ mean?
overwhelm with things; flood
What does ‘Leviathan’ mean?
something very large and powerful
What does ‘Manifold’ mean?
numerous and various
What does ‘Neophyte’ mean?
a person new to a subject or skill
What does ‘Outlier’ mean?
a thing that differs from rest of group
What does ‘Persnickety’ mean?
too concerned about trivial things
What does ‘Precursor’ mean?
one who comes before; ancestor
What does ‘Psyche’ mean?
the mind or spirit of a person
What does ‘Refuge’ mean?
protection from danger
What does ‘Sabotage’ mean?
destroy or hinder for advantage
What does ‘Sordid’ mean?
involving immoral actions or motives
What does ‘Superficial’ mean?
on the surface or without depth
What does ‘Tousled’ mean?
made disordered or tangled
What does ‘Vague’ mean?
of unclear or uncertain meaning
What does ‘Winsome’ mean?
charming in look or character
What does ‘Adage’ mean?
a proverb expressing a truth
What does ‘Amicable’ mean?
friendly or good‐ natured
What does ‘Artifice’ mean?
trickery or deception
What does ‘Bigot’ mean?
a person intolerant of others
What does ‘Cavalier’ mean?
showing a lack of proper concern
What does ‘Conniving’ mean?
conspiring to do something illegal
What does ‘Debacle’ mean?
a sudden failure or fiasco
What does ‘Dirge’ mean?
a lament, song, or poem for the dead
What does ‘Egress’ mean?
exit or leave a place
What does ‘Equanimity’ mean?
composure under difficult situations
What does ‘Fallacy’ mean?
a mistaken or false belief
What does ‘Gamut’ mean?
complete scope or range of something
What does ‘Hiatus’ mean?
a pause or gap in a process
What does ‘Impish’ mean?
inclined to cause trouble for fun
What does ‘Inert’ mean?
lacking the ability to move
What does ‘Invaluable’ mean?
extremely useful or indispensable
What does ‘Levity’ mean?
lack of appropriate seriousness
What does ‘Malediction’ mean?
a curse or damnation
What does ‘Megalomania’ mean?
obsession with the exercise of power
What does ‘Nepotism’ mean?
favoring relatives/ friends with power
What does ‘Pertinent’ mean?
relevant to a particular matter
What does ‘Puerile’ mean?
childishly silly and trivial
What does ‘Refute’ mean?
prove something to be wrong
What does ‘Saccharine’ mean?
excessively sweet or sentimental
What does ‘Semblance’ mean?
outward form or appearance
What does ‘Sparse’ mean?
thinly dispersed or scattered
What does ‘Superfluous’ mean?
more than is required
What does ‘Tout’ mean?
aggressively try to sell something
What does ‘Valiant’ mean?
possessing courage or determination
What does ‘Wistful’ mean?
having vague or regretful longing
What does ‘Adamant’ mean?
uncompromising or inflexible
What does ‘Amity’ mean?
a friendly relationship
What does ‘Ascertain’ mean?
learn or find out something
What does ‘Billow’ mean?
swell out, surge, or rise up
What does ‘Caveat’ mean?
a specific warning or condition
What does ‘Conscientious’ mean?
wishing to do what is right
What does ‘Debased’ mean?
reduced in quality or value
What does ‘Discern’ mean?
perceive a thing clearly
What does ‘Elated’ mean?
full of high spirits and happiness
What does ‘Equivocate’ mean?
use unclear words to hide the truth
What does ‘Fallible’ mean?
capable of making mistakes
What does ‘Garble’ mean?
reproduce a thing in a distorted way
What does ‘Hidebound’ mean?
not willing to accept new ideas
What does ‘Implement’ mean?
put something into effect
What does ‘Inevitable’ mean?
an unavoidable situation
What does ‘Invariably’ mean?
occurring always or at all times
What does ‘Liberal’ mean?
open to new ideas in lieu of traditions
What does ‘Melancholy’ mean?
a feeling of gloomy sadness
What does ‘Nirvana’ mean?
state of happiness and peace
What does ‘Overt’ mean?
obviously done or shown openly
What does ‘Peruse’ mean?
read something in a careful way
What does ‘Predisposition’ mean?
a tendency to act in a particular way
What does ‘Pugnacious’ mean?
eager or quick to argue
What does ‘Relic’ mean?
a historical item that exists today
What does ‘Sagacious’ mean?
shrewd with good judgment
What does ‘Specious’ mean?
falsely appearing to be right or fair
What does ‘Supersede’ mean?
supplant or take the place of
What does ‘Tranquil’ mean?
free from tension or turmoil
What does ‘Vapid’ mean?
lacking excitement or challenge
What does ‘Wither’ mean?
become dry and shriveled