Untitled Deck Flashcards
What type of government does Italy have?
Italy is a democratic Republic founded on labour.
Who does sovereignty belong to in Italy?
Sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised by the people in the forms and within the limits of the Constitution.
Who is entitled to vote in Italy?
Any citizen, male or female, who has attained majority, is entitled to vote.
What are the characteristics of the vote in Italy?
The vote is personal and equal, free and secret. The exercise thereof is a civic duty.
How does the law ensure voting rights for citizens abroad?
The law lays down the requirements and modalities for citizens residing abroad to exercise their right to vote and guarantees that this right is effective.
What is established for Italians abroad regarding elections?
A constituency of Italians abroad shall be established for elections to the Houses of Parliament.
What restrictions exist on the right to vote?
The right to vote cannot be restricted except for civil incapacity or as a consequence of an irrevocable penal sentence or in cases of moral unworthiness as laid down by law.
Who is eligible for public offices in Italy?
Any citizen of either sex is eligible for public offices and elected positions on equal terms, according to the conditions established by law.
What measures does the Republic adopt for equal opportunities?
The Republic shall adopt specific measures to promote equal opportunities between women and men.
What rights do non-resident Italians have regarding public offices?
The law may grant Italians who are not resident in the Republic the same rights as citizens for the purposes of access to public offices and elected positions.
What entitlement does an elected public official have?
Whoever is elected to a public function is entitled to the time needed to perform that function and to retain a previously held job.
What right do citizens have regarding political parties?
Any citizen has the right to freely establish parties to contribute to determining national policies through democratic processes.
What rights do citizens have regarding associations?
Citizens have the right to form associations freely and without authorization for those ends that are not forbidden by criminal law.
What types of associations are forbidden?
Secret associations and associations that, even indirectly, pursue political aims by means of organisations having a military character shall be forbidden.
What limitations may exist on political party membership?
The law may set limitations on the right to become members of political parties in the case of magistrates, career military staff in active service, law enforcement officers, and overseas diplomatic and consular representatives.