Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is Social Cognition?
The processes by which people think about and make sense of other people, themselves, and social situations.
What is Social Influence?
How individuals change their behavior to meet the demands of a social environment.
What is Social Behavior?
Actions individuals perform that involve interaction with others.
What is a Group?
A collection of people who interact and share certain elements of identity.
What is Prejudice?
A negative attitude towards a group and its members, often without factual basis.
What is Discrimination?
Unfair treatment of individuals based on group membership.
What are Stereotypes?
Oversimplified generalizations about a group.
What are Face Overgeneralizations?
Judgments made about a person based on facial appearance.
What is the Mere Exposure Effect?
Increased liking of a stimulus due to repeated exposure.
What is Attribution?
The process of explaining behavior—situational or dispositional.
What is the Fundamental Attribution Error?
Overestimating personality traits and underestimating situational factors in explaining others’ behavior.
What are Attitudes?
Evaluative beliefs and feelings about people, objects, or ideas.
What is the Foot-in-the-Door Technique?
Agreeing to a small request increases likelihood of agreeing to a larger request.
What is the Door-in-the-Face Technique?
Refusing a large request increases the likelihood of agreeing to a smaller one.
What is Cognitive Dissonance?
Discomfort caused by conflicting thoughts or actions.