Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is electromagnetic radiation?
Electromagnetic radiation includes gamma rays, X-rays, UV light, visible light, infrared, and radio waves, categorized by their wavelengths.
Wavelengths: gamma rays (short), X-rays (medium), visible light (380-750 nm), infrared (long), radio waves (longer).
What is wave-photon duality?
Light travels in a wave-like fashion with ‘single packets’ of energy called photons.
What is the visible spectrum?
different colors of light, each with distinct wavelengths.
Wavelengths: Violet (380 nm), Blue (480 nm), Green (550 nm), Yellow (630 nm), Orange (680 nm), Red (730 nm).
How is the color of an object determined?
determined by which wavelengths are reflected back to the retina
White reflects all wavelengths; black absorbs all wavelengths.
What is light refraction?
Light will bend when it passes from one medium into another
What is a convex lens?
A convex lens is thicker at the center and tapered at the edges, causing light to bend and converge at a focal point.
A real image formed by a convex lens is inverted and reversed.
What is the role of the cornea in focusing light?
The cornea provides constant (unchanging) refraction.
What is the function of the lens in the eye?
The lens can change its refraction and focal length, with ciliary muscles adjusting its convexity.
What is the far point of vision?
The far point of vision is the distance beyond which the lens will not change its shape, approximately 20 feet.
What is emmetropic eye?
An emmetropic eye is a normal, healthy eye.
What adjustments are made for close vision?
(less than 6 feet) accommodation of the lens, pupils, and convergence of the eyes.
What is myopia?
Myopia, or nearsightedness, occurs when distant objects are blurred because they are focused in front of the retina.
Causes include an eyeball that is too long or a lens that is too strong.
What is hyperopia?
Hyperopia, or farsightedness, occurs when close objects are blurred because they are focused beyond the retina.
Causes include an eyeball that is too short or poor refraction of a lens.
What is astigmatism?
Astigmatism is a condition causing blurry images at all distances due to unequal curves on the lens and/or cornea.
What is the general structure of rods and cones?
Rods and cones have a pigmented base, outer segment with pigmented discs, inner segment, and synaptic ending. as well as neural layer
Rods are sensitive to dim light, while cones require bright light.
What is opsin?
Opsin is a transmembrane protein found in the membrane of pigmented discs of rods and cones.
What is retinal?
Retinal is a light-absorbing molecule that changes shape when struck by a photon of light.
Vitamin A is a precursor to retinal.