Untitled Deck Flashcards
What is day case surgery?
Day case surgery involves admitting select patients to the hospital for a planned surgical procedure and discharging them on the same day.
What percentage of surgeries in the UK are performed as day cases?
About 70% of all surgeries in the UK are performed as day cases.
Why is day case surgery considered a high-impact change in healthcare?
Because it improves productivity, reduces waiting lists, and decreases healthcare costs.
List five advantages of day case surgery.
- Shorter inpatient stays
- Reduced risk of hospital-acquired infections
- Reduced waiting lists
- Reduced hospital costs
- Reduced demand for inpatient beds
What are the fasting guidelines for patients undergoing day case surgery?
Patients should avoid eating and drinking for 6 hours prior to surgery involving general anaesthesia, with clear fluids allowed up to 2 hours before the procedure.
What should be reviewed during the pre-operative appointment for day case surgery?
Medications should be reviewed to ensure they will not interfere with the planned surgery, with additional guidance from the operating surgeon or anaesthetist if necessary.
What criteria must a surgical procedure meet to be considered suitable for day case surgery?
- Minimal blood loss expected
- Low risk of significant immediate complications
- No requirement for specialist aftercare
- Patient can manage pain and enteral nutrition at home
- Patient is able to mobilise after surgery
Provide examples of common day case surgeries.
- Inguinal hernia repair
- Cataract surgery
- Cystoscopy
- Arthroscopy
- Insertion of grommets
What are the key social factors to consider when selecting a patient for day case surgery?
- The patient must understand the planned procedure and provide informed consent.
- The patient must have a responsible adult to escort them home and provide post-operative support for 24 hours.
What are the key medical factors to consider when selecting a patient for day case surgery?
- The patient’s health must be stable and suitable for a day case procedure.
- Stable chronic diseases like diabetes mellitus may be better managed as a day case.
- Patients with poorly controlled or severe co-morbidities may not be suitable for day case surgery.
What are the key points to remember about day case surgery?
- Day case surgery has significant benefits for both patients and healthcare systems.
- Adequate patient preparation and education are essential for successful day case surgery.
- Both social and medical factors guide the suitability of a patient for day case surgery.