Untitled Deck Flashcards
What can autistics be?
Autistics can be anything, except non-Autistic.
How do autistics choose to express themselves?
Autistics may choose to stand out or fade, be great or ordinary, as they please.
What does being autistic represent?
Autistic is my diversity, and every human is diverse, whether named or yet unspoken.
Who is the expert on an autistic individual’s experience?
All of me is Autistic, and I am the expert on that.
What does self-acceptance mean for autistics?
I am enough when I am myself - I am only a ‘burden’ to those who are broken.
How is the autistic brain described?
The architecture of my brain is also of a majestic and wondrous nature.
What should be respected in relation to sensory needs?
My sensory needs and sensitivities hide strengths and are to be respected.
What is stimming?
Stimming is a natural way to express who I am, how I feel, and regulate.
What does diversity mean for autistics?
I am diversity, a broadening strength, and divergent, ever broadening more.
How are autistic communication styles viewed?
No matter how common/rare or accepted/distressing my ways of communicating are, they are valuable.
What brings joy to autistics?
My interests, my passions, my preferences, my expertise… are MY JOY.
How do autistics view masking?
I have so much beauty to share, that I will never contemplate masking.
How do autistics process information?
I will take time to process some things, or take breaks - every human has strengths and weaknesses.
What defines an autistic individual?
Challenges and other labels do not define me, but my autistic self-advocacy and authentic voice do.
What affects self-love and self-worth for autistics?
My self-love and self-worth are torn down by attempts to ‘fit in’ or mask, and built-up by living and expressing authentically.