Unleash Your Power Flashcards
What are the 3 steps to creating lasting change?
1) Raise your standards
- Things you accept, and don’t
2) Change your limiting beliefs
3) Change your strategy
- Science experiment, fine tune
What does it take to make a decision?
- Committed to the result of the decision
- Decisions shape our destiny!
- Being truly commided to your decision is the hardest part
What five filters do we make our decisions through?
1) Core beliefs
2) References
3) Habitual Questions
4) Life Values
5) Unconscious rules L
Every thing we do is to?
- Avoid pain & seek pleasure
- Control what you link to pleasure and pain and you control everything
- Nothing in life has meaning until we give it
- Replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones
What should you do with disempowering beliefs?
Replace them with empowering ones
What are the 6 steps of Neuro Associative Conditioning?
- How to change anything in your life
1) Decide what you really want and what you don’t want
- have something to move toward
2) Get leverage: associate massive pain to not changing now and massive pleasure to changing
- knowing that you didn’t live up to your own standards should be enough pain
- preserving our own integrity & identity is one of our strongest beliefs
3) Interrupt limiting patterns
- turn image of boss into a cartoon
4) Creat new empowering alternative
- or model people who have turned things around
5) Condition the new pattern until it is consistent
- Timing is important i.e. gift or celebration of a win do right after
6) Test it
- Think of the situation that worried you
What is the most powerful way to motivate people?
through personal development
What do you have to do to engrain a new pattern?
What is one of the most enjoyable experiences someone can have?
Pleasant surprises
What are two things you should learn to do regularly to enjoy life?
1) Learn to laugh
2) Plan for pleasure
What is success the result of?
The result of good judgement.
Good judgement is the result of experience.
Experience is the result of bad judgement!
What is the ultimate success formula
1) You clearly decide what you want
2) You are willing to take massive action
3) You notice what is working and what is not
4) You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way.
What determines your destiny?
Your decisions.
Also what you link pleasure and pain to.
What is the force that shapes your life?
Pleasure and pain.
Everything you and I do is to either avoid plain or our desire to gain pleasure.
What is the success?
Learning how to use pleasure & pain instead of having them use you.
Ex. Mother Teresa - sees other peoples pain and she feels pain
What drives our behaviour?
Our instinctive reaction to pain and pleasure.
Does actual pain drive us?
No what drives us is the belief that something will lead to pain.
What does the only true security in life come from?
Every single day you are improving your self in some way.
Don’t worry about maintaining the quality of your life if every single day you are working on improving it.
What is the greatest leverage you can create for yourself?
Knowing that we didn’t live up to our own standards is the ultimate pain.
What is one of the strongest forces in the human personality?
The drive to maintain personal integrity.
What is the most important thing to remember about conditioning?
To reinforce the desired behavior immediately.
Conditioning is critical. This is how we produce consistent results.
What should you do if you really want to improve the quality of your life?
Learn to laugh.
What should you focus on?
Where you want to go, not on what you fear.
What state do you have to be in to succeed?
A determined state!
What’s the first skill you must master? (1-3)
The ability to change your state instantly no matter what the environment or, no matter how scared or frustrated you are.
Condition yourself so you feel good no matter where you are.
2) The ability to change your state in any environment consistently
What is all you really want in life?
To change the way you feel.
- Develop a plan for pleasure everyday
What is the main difference between the people who succeed in life and those who don’t?
The quality of questions they ask.
The better questions you ask the better answers you get.
If you focus on things that overwhelmed you than that’s what you will be.
Questions immediately change what we are _____ on and therefore change how we _____.
Focusing, Feel
In everything you can focus on what is disempowering or what is empowering and you will find whatever you look for.
______ type of language can transform us instantly.
What are the four different ways people deal with emotion?
1) Avoidance
- We avoid situations that produce negative emotions
2) Denial
- Dissociation with feelings. “It doesn’t feel that bad”
3) Competition
- You think you have got it bad…
4) Learning and using
- If you want to make your life work you must make emotions work for you
What are the 6 steps to emotional mastery?
1) Identify what you are feeling
2) Acknowledge and Appreciate Your Emotions, Knowing They Suppport you
3) Get curious about the message this emotion is offering you.
4) Get confident
5) Get certain you can handle this not only today but in the near future as well
6) Get excited, and take action
How do you manage fear and what is it?
Fear is usually the anticipation that something is going to happen.
Be prepared for it.
Usually generated by a sense of loss.
Maybe you didn’t lose anything?
Maybe you are judging too soon.
Anger usually happens when an important rule or standard for your self has been violated.
Realize you may have misinterpreted the situation completely.
Ask yourself in the long run does this person really care about me?
What can you learn from this.
Anytime we feel like we are surrounded by roadblocks.
It’s exciting because its when we feel our brain can be doing better than we are.
Realize frustration is your friend.
Get some input on how you can deal with the situation.
Find a role model.
Get fascinated.
Is the feeling that you are being let down or may miss out on something forever.
The goal you were going for is not going to happen.
It can be very destructive if not dealt with.
Solution is set a new goal right away.
Figure out what you can learn from that situation.
Realize you may be judging too soon maybe. Often the things you are dealing with are only temporary challenges.
Tells you, you have violated one of your own highest standards.
You must do something immediately to ensure that you are not going to do that again.
Commit to not doing that again.
The feeling of unworthiness.
The feeling when we can’t do something we think we should.
Whenever we feel inadequate feel the encouragement to improve.
Overload or Overwhelm
Grief depression helplessness
The message of being overwhelmed is that you need to reevaluate what’s most important to you in this situation.
Anything that makes us feel alone, apart, or separate from others.
The message of loneliness is that you need to connect with people.
Love & Warth
The consistent expression of love seems to be able to melt almost any negative emotions
All communication is either a loving response or a cry for help
Appreciation & Gratitude
I believe that all the most power expressions oare some expression of love directed in different ways.
If you really want to grow in your life, learn to be as curious as a child.
If you want to cure boredom be curious.
Excitement & Passion
Excitement and passion can add juice to anything.
Passion is unbridled power to move our lives forward at a faster tempo than ever before
You must have this to create lasting value in the world
Determination means the difference between being stuck and being struck with the lightning power of commitment.
If there is one seed to plant that will guarantee success it’s the ability to change your approach.
Choosing to be flexible is choosing to be happy
Unshakable confidence is the sense of certainty we all want.
The only way to experience this is to through the power of faith.
You have to exercise it regularly.
If you were asked if you were confident to tie your shoes then you would say yes because you have done it a million times.
Enhances your self esteem, makes life more fun, and makes the people around you feel happier as well.
Being cheerful means you’re incredibly intelligent because you know that if you live life in a state of pleasure you bring joy to those around you and you can meet virtually every challenge that comes your way.
If you don’t take care of this it becomes very hard to enjoy many things.
You need to look at the fundamentals.
You have an abundant level of nerve energy.
The secret to living is giving.
There is no richer emotion I know of in life than the sense that who you are as a person, something you’ve said or done, has added to more than just your own life.
Playing the martyr won’t give you a true sense of contribution.
What do giant goals do?
Produce giant emotion
Goals take you beyond your limits to a world of unlimited power.
What should all goal setting be followed by?
The development of a plan, and massive and consistent action toward it’s fulfillment.
What’s the one skill in all champions?
An unbelievable level of persistence.
What are four types of goals you should set?
1) Personal development goals
- body, social
2) Career/business economic goals
- Money
3) Toys/adventure goals
- Anything you would want
4) contribution goals
- Creating a legacy that makes a difference in the world
What should you do twice a day with your goals?
Rehearse at least twice a day what it would feel like emotionally to achieving each one of your most valued goals.
Will achieving our goals make us happy in the long term?
No its’ who we become in order to achieve all that I want.
What’s the most important thing to do as soon as you set your goals?
Start working towards them to create momentum.
And start looking at how much you benz etc will cost…
Why can reaching our goals be a curse?
If you don’t set higher ones it can be curse because once you reach your goals you will out run your dream
Find a way to contribute to others
What is the mark of a champion?
Consistency - true consistency is established by our habits.
New pattern of taking action.
Old patterns will not get us to where we need to go.
We have to notice when we have a ______ pattern
don’t beat yourself up but know it and change it.
What is the 10 day challenge?
You will not indulge in or dwell on any unresourceful thoughts or emotions for 10 consecutive days.
What is your master system?
The system or procedure that we go through in order to determine what things mean to us and what we need to do about them in virtually any situation in life.
Predictable laws and patterns.
What are the 5 elements of your master system?
Superior evaluations create superior lives.
Ex. Gretzky skate to to where the puck is going to be
1) The emotional state you are in when while you are making your evaluation
2) The questions we ask ourselves. What does this mean pleasure or pain? What kind of food we put on our plate
3) Our hierarchy of values
- they affect every decision we make and what we move towards.
4) Global beliefs i.e. if you’re successful you make millions of dollars.
Who is the only person that can control your _____and the source of all your _____?
What are values?
The compass of your destiny
What has to happen in order for us to feel good?
Basing our happiness on something we can not control will guarantee ________.
Pain and unhappiness
Believing what we should and shouldn’t do and what we must do are our _____
our rules.
Ex. w
What has to happen for you to feel successful / happy?
What are your rules around this?
Make your rules low.
I’m above ground!
Is your scorecard unfair?
What are the 3 factors behind knowing whether or not a rule is empowering or disempowering.
1) It’s a disempowering rule if it’s impossible to meet
2) It’s a disempowering rule if it’s something you can not control
3) It’s a disempowering rule if it gives you a many reasons to feel bad and few to feel good.
What is our self-esteem tied to?
Our ability to control the environment we are in.
Every upset is a ______ broken
i.e. if you respect me then you don’t raise your voice
What should you do with your rules towards other people?
Communicate them
Never assume people should know your rules
What is the most empowering rule?
Enjoy yourself no matter what happens
Think about your rules?
What does it take for you to feel successful?
What does it take for you to feel loved by people?
What does it take for you to feel confident?
What does it take for you to feel you are excellent in any area of your life?
How should you design your rules?
So the outside world is not what determines whether you feel good or bad.
What is the most empowering rule?
To enjoy yourself no matter what happens
What do references and what do they do?
References are all the experiences of your life that you’ve recorded within your nervous system.
The larger number of references enables us to more effectively evaluate what things mean and what we can do.
Do you want to live in your past?
No. You want to learn from your past but not live in it.
Limited references create a _______.
Limited life
The _________ of our lives shape us.
How do most people feel about the unknown?
They have a tremendous fear. They believe it has the potential for pain to strike us.
People who act inconsistently with who they believe they are end up having a ________.
Identity crisis
If you don’t know the ______ and _____ of the person you are with then you should prepare for _____.
Values, Rules, Pain