Universal Design for Learning Guidelines (UDL) Flashcards
What are the 3 principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?
Hint: Redbirds Actually Engage
Principle 1: Multiple Means of Representation
Principle 2: Multiple Means of Action and Expression
Principle 3: Multiple Means of Engagement
What are the 3 guidelines for UDL principle 1, Multiple Means of Representation?
Hint: Penguins Languidly Couch
Guideline 1: Provide Options for Perception
Guideline 2: Provide Options for Language, Mathematical Expressions, and Symbols
Guideline 3: Provide Options for Comprehension
What are the 3 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 1, Provide Options for Perception?
Hint: Insects Auction Viciously
Checkpoint 1.1: Allow Information to be Customized
Checkpoint 1.2: Make Auditory Information Accessible
Checkpoint 1.3: Make Visual Information Accessible
What are the 5 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 2, Provide Options for Language, Mathematical Expressions, and Symbols?
Hint: Voles Synthesize Macabre Lamentations Mediocrely
Checkpoint 2.1: Explain Vocabulary and Symbols
Checkpoint 2.2: Highlight Syntax and Structure
Checkpoint 2.3: Help Decipher Mathematical Notation, Text, and Symbols
Checkpoint 2.4: Support Other Languages
Checkpoint 2.5: Utilize Multiple Media Formats
What are the 4 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 3, Provide Options for Comprehension?
Hint: Bats Pander Inside Trains
Checkpoint 3.1: Provide Background Knowledge
Checkpoint 3.2: Focus on Patterns, Critical Features, Big Ideas and Relationships
Checkpoint 3.3: Support Information Processing, Visualization, and Manipulation
Checkpoint 3.4: Support Transfer and Generalization
How many checkpoints are there for UDL Guideline 1, Provide Options for Perception?
How many checkpoints are there for UDL Guideline 2, Provide Options for Language, Mathematical Expressions, and Symbols?
How many checkpoints are there for UDL Guideline 3, Provide Options for Comprehension?
What are the 3 guidelines for UDL principle 2, Multiple Means of Action and Expression?
Hint: Pheasants Express Expectations
Guideline 4: Provide Options for Physical Action
Guideline 5: Provide Options for Expression and Communication
Guideline 6: Provide Options for Executive Functions
What are the 3 guidelines for UDL principle 3, Multiple Means of Engagement?
Hint: Reindeer Surf Serenely
Guideline 7: Provide Options for Recruiting Interest
Guideline 8: Provide Options for Sustaining Effort and Persistence
Guideline 9: Provide Options for Self-Regulation
How many checkpoints are there for UDL Guideline 4, Provide Options for Physical Action?
How many checkpoints are there for UDL Guideline 5, Provide Options for Expression and Communication?
How many checkpoints are there for UDL Guideline 6, Provide Options for Executive Functions?
How many checkpoints are there for Guideline 7, Provide Options for Recruiting Interest?
How many checkpoints are there for Guideline 8, Provide Options for Sustaining Effort and Persistence?
How many checkpoints are there for Guideline 9, Provide Options for Self-Regulation?
What are the 2 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 4, Provide Options for Physical Action?
Hint: Raccoons Terrorize
Checkpoint 4.1: Provide Options for Response and Navigation
Checkpoint 4.2: Support Tools and Assistive Technologies
What are the 3 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 5, Provide Options for Expression and Communication?
Hint: Monkeys Can’t Fly
Checkpoint 5.1: Utilize Various Media for Communication
Checkpoint 5.2: Provide Options for Construction and Composition
Checkpoint 5.3: Support Fluency through Practice and Performance
What are the 4 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 6, Provide Options for Executive Functions?
Hint: Gorillas Play In Prairies
Checkpoint 6.1: Encourage Student Goal-Setting
Checkpoint 6.2: Support Planning and Strategy Development
Checkpoint 6.3: Support Information and Resources Management
Checkpoint 6.4: Allow for Progress Monitoring
What are the 3 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 7, Provide Options for Recruiting Interest?
Hint: Cheetahs Remember Things
Checkpoint 7.1: Promote Individual Choice and Autonomy
Checkpoint 7.2: Emphasize Relevance, Value, and Authenticity
Checkpoint 7.3: Reduce Threats and Distractions
What are the 4 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 8, Provide Options for Sustaining Effort and Persistence?
Hint: Reptiles Vaporize Colorful Magic
Checkpoint 8.1: Reiterate Goals and Objectives
Checkpoint 8.2: Vary Learning Challenges
Checkpoint 8.3: Promote Collaboration and Communication
Checkpoint 8.4: Give Mastery-Oriented Feedback Often
What are the 3 checkpoints for UDL Guideline 9, Provide Options for Self-Regulation?
Hint: Bees Corner Serpents
Checkpoint 9.1: Use Belief to Increase Motivation
Checkpoint 9.2: Help Strengthen Coping Skills and Strategies
Checkpoint 9.3: Nurture Self-Assessment and Reflection
What is Principle 1, Multiple Means of Representation (UDL)?
- Ensure variety in instructional delivery
- Consider different mediums (print, electronic text, visual, and aural)
- Consider students with cognitive, visual, or auditory disabilities, or may speak a different native language
- For students with cognitive disabilities, provide instructional visuals to help them process information
- Enhance the chances of diverse learners achieving learning goals and objectives
What is Principle 2, Multiple Means of Action and Expression (UDL)?
- Give learners multiple options to demonstrate what they know
- Communicate with the learner often, provide constructive feedback, and offer support
- Methods:
- Traditional assessment methods (multiple choice quizzes and fill-in-the-blank activities)
- Authentic assessment methods (creating a project)
- Example models
- Detail specific criteria
- Offer multiple ways to track progress