Units 7 & 8: Islamic beliefs, teachings and practices (Paper 2 Section A) Flashcards
The belief in the oneness of God
Islam is a …………… religion
Surah 112; the oneness of God(4):
- “He is god the one”
- “God the eternal”
- “He begot no one nor was he begotten”
- “No one is comparable to him”
Belief in the Tawhid means that Muslims should…(3):
- Worship only one God
- Never make anything in their lives more important than God because God has no equal
- Not use images or pictures of God as it is impossible to portray him accurately
The supremacy of God’s will(3):
- God can make anything that he wants happen
- Nothing happens unless God allows
- Muslims try to live according to God’s will accepting that God knows best
Sunni Muslims(4):
- The Sunni leader (caliph) must be elected
- Only the Qur’an and the Sunnah have the authority to provide religious guidance
- Abu Bakr(Mohammed’s adviser) is the rightful leader
- The six articles of faith give the main beliefs for Sunni muslims
The Sunnah
Mohammed’s teachings
The Shi’a(4):
- The Shi’a leader (Imam) should be descendant of Mohammed chosen by God
- The Qur’an, the Sunnah and the Imam have the authority to provide religious guidance
- Ali (Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law) is the rightful leader
- The five roots of Usul ad-Din give the main beliefs for a Shi’a Muslim
Shared beliefs in Sunni and Shi’a Islam(4):
- the belief in the same God
- following the teachings of the Qur’an
- following the teachings i the Sunnah
- acknowledging the importance of the prophets
The articles of Faith in Sunni Islam(6):
- Tawhid
- Belief in angels that passed on God’s message to the prophets
- Respect for the holy books, especially the Qur’an which is the highest authority in Islam
- Respect for the prophets, particularly Mohammed who recieved the final revelation of Islam from God
- The day of judgement
- The supremacy of God’s will
The five roots of Usul ad-Din in Shi’a Islam(5):
- Tawhid
- Respect for Prophets
- Adalat
- The Imamate
- that muslims will be resurrected after death and will be judged by God
Adalat (definition):
The justice of God, a belief that God will judge everyone on judgment day in a fair and just way
The Imamate (definition):
Respect for the twelve Imams, who were chosen by God after Mohammed died
There are …. different names for God in the Qur’an and the Hadith…
- 99
- these names describe God’s characteristics and it helps Muslims have some idea about what God is like
Some of God’s most important qualities are that he is… (6):
- Immanent
- Transcendent
- Beneficent
- Omnipotent
- Fair and Just
- Merciful
God is present everywhere in the world and in the universe
God created the universe and s is beyond and outside it. He is not limited by the physical world
God is benevolent, all loving, and all good
God is all-powerful
Fair and just(definition):
God treats everyone fairly and justly
God shows compassion and mercy
spiritual beings who serve God and pass on his message through prophets
The angel of revelation who revealed the Qur’an to Mohammed
The angel of mercy, who rewards god deeds and provides nourishment for the earth and human life
Angels are…(5):
- Pure and sinless
- Have no free will so can only do what God tells them to do
- Constantly serve and praise God
- Are able to take on a human form to give messages from God
- created by light
Roles of angels(4):
- Messengers from God
- Take care of people
- Record everything a person does
- Take peoples’ souls to God
The idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe
Most Muslims believe that…(free):
God knows everything that will happen but people still have free will and can make their own choices. Most Muslims believe that they are responsible for their actions
Qur’an 9:51
“Only what Gd has decreed will happen to us”
Qur’an 13:11
God does not change the condition of a people unless they change for the worse
The state, after death, of waiting until the day of judgement
Everlasting life after death
The belief in Akhirah encorages Muslims to…(3):
- Take responsibility for their actions
- Give hope to Muslims who suffer
- Accept unjust situations