Units 4-5 Flashcards
The right to read and write whatever you wish
The right to talk about your beliefs, ideas, and feelings
The right to meet with others to discuss your beliefs, ideas, or feelings
The right to ask your government to correct things that you think are wrong or to do things you believe are needed.
To communicate your beliefs, ideas, or feelings to others
To treat some people unfairly
Being willing to let others hold different opinions
Congress may not set up an official religion for our country or favor one religion over another
Establishment Clause
Congress may not stop you from holding any religious beliefs you choose or from having no religion at all. The government may not unfairly limit your right to practice any religious beliefs you wish
Free Exercise. Clause
The government may not force you to swear to a belief you do not hold. You may not be forced to pray in school or any other place by government
Freedom of Belief or Conscience
An act of protest
To set apart from others
Equal Protection Clause
Prohibits laws that unreasonably and unfairly favor some groups over others
Equal Protection of the Laws
State governments may not treat people differently unless there is a good reason for doing so
Civil Rights act of 1964
Act that ended segregation in public places. Law also said employers could not discriminate against people because of their race, national origin, religion, or gender