Units Flashcards
2 uses of a land scouts (Mole: for Cyber)
- Within army: For an early warning of incomming enemy units, & to extend the firing range of T1 Artillery & T2 Rocket Bots.
- Scattering them accross the map to create full map vision/radar (They have cloaking & are quicker)
Ideal T1 Cybran unit mix
5 x Tanks
1 x Scout (use cloaking)
1 x Interceptor (or AA if you don’t controll air)
What are the 3 differences between a HQ factory and a Support factory
- Upgrading to support factories cost around 1/3 the cost of HQ factories
- HQ factories have twice the HP
- T2 support factories require a T2 HQ to produce T2 units, and T3 support factories requires a T3 HQ to produce T3 units (if HQ is destroyed, support factories can only produce T1 units)
How can you edit the production que of multiple factories at the same time
Give support orders from the support factories to the master factory, then only edit the master factory’s production que
Ideal T2 Cybran unit mix (for building a large army)
4 x (T2) Tanks (either tank - depends on circumstances)
3 x (T1) Artilery
1 x (T1) Scout
3 x Interceptor (or 1 x T2 AA if you don’t controll air)
(best to upgrade all factories to T2 rather than have some T2 & some T1)
Ideal T3 Cybran unit mix (for building a large army)
4 x (T3) Loyalist
1 x (T3) Anti-Air
1 x (T2) Mobile Stealth (optional - as only useful for suprise potential)
(best to upgrade all factories to T3 rather than have some T3 & some T2)
Why do you include so many T1 Artillery in the T2 main unit mix (Cyber only)
For the EMP stun effect
What’s the 3 main differences between the T2 Heavy Tank (Rhino) and the T2 Amphibious Tank (Wagner)
- Rhino is 20% more powerful per cost
- Wagner speed is 37% faster (thus good for rushing units & microing to evade artillery/missiles)
- Wagner can travel under water
What (3 things) can you do to get info on your enemy if your Air Scouts are being shot down by fighter jets
- Amass a swarm of scouts, then send them randomly all over the map from all directions. (will be very hard for enemy to send jets to kill them all)
- Build a T3 ‘Monitoring System’
- Try sending cloaked land scouts
What are the first few units you should build from your air factory
- Scout X 1 (scout enemy engineers for the bomber)
- Bomber X 1 (kill enemy engineers)
- Spam interceptors
What’s the ONLY reason you should produce ‘Light Assault’ (Cybran)
As the cheapest way to assassinate early, expanding engineers
What’s the only reason you might use T1 ‘Light Gunship’ over T1 ‘Attack Bomber’ (Cybran)
Only when the bomber’s turning circle is likely put it in range of ground AA (very insignificant reason, so essentially never build Light Gunships)
Attack Bombers are better overall due to…
- Spash damage (damage multiple units at once)
- Sudden ‘supprise’ damage (good for sniping)
- More difficult for all AA to kill (live longer)
How much damage does 1 bomb from a Strategic Bomber do
(Thus 3 Strategic Bombers required to take out T3 AA in 1 passing)
What’s the best unit to build for TDM (Cybran)
(T3 Assault Bot)
In order, list the units with the lowest mass cost per Build-Rate (Cybran)
- T1 Engies & T1 Factories (~11 mass/Build-Rate)
- T2 Engies (16 mass/Build-Rate)
- Hive & T2 Factories - inc. each upgrade (-24 mass/Build-Rate)
- T3 Engies (33 mass/Build-Rate)
- T3 factory (70 mass/Build-Rate)
- sACU (152 mass/Build-Rate)