uniti 2 Flashcards
what causes foodborne illness?
microorganisms and their toxins
bacteria and viruses are the most common microbes causing foodborne illnes
there are 2 types of foodborne illness ? name them
fodd infection= microorganism that couses disease
food intoxication= release of toxins by microorganisms causing disease
couses of foodborne illness-viruses
viruses are extremly tiny non-cellular agents that can survive only by infecting living cells
norovirus causing gastroentiritis (gi symptoms)
what is a norovirus?
is very common and contagious referred to as the “stomach flu” (but not a strain of influenza) stable on dry surfaces
causing stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting
it can be contagious by someone who has it having direct contact with them
touching vomiting , stools or clothes or any surface who has norovirus
how to prevent norovirus ?
washing your hands
washing kitchen surface and utensils with warm soapy water
avoid shellfish
hepatutus A virus (HAV)?
it is more likely to occur in countries with poor hygiene and sanitation and it can be transferred person to person or contaminated water
symptoms= mild fever, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, may last for a few weeks
what are the common bacteria the couses foodborne illness-bacteria?
campylobacter jejuni
campylobacter jejuni
it can be found in food/water contaminated with infected animal feces
-common foods are raw meats, undercooked meats, milk or water
-symptoms= fever, pain, bloody diarrhea
contaminated with infected animal feces
- poultry and eggs are common but also F&V
symptoms salmonellosis
diarrhea, vomiting, nausea and enter blood stream
(some strains are antibiotic resistant)
bacteria found in intestines of cattle and poultry
symptoms = might experience bloody diarrhea, vomiting , abdominal cramps , fever
-food-person, person-food, food-food, person food
other types of microbes that cause foodborne illness
tapeworm,roundworms - eggs hatch in host(fish)
- protoza-gardis
swallowing contaminated water
yeast and mold infection (visual and unappealing)
mad cow disease- proteins
other types of toxins releasing microorganisms ?
blocks neurotransmission and paralysis
honey, dented cans, bulged cans
affect the nervous system
mushrooms(moist environment)
marine toxins
name bodys defens agains microbes?
-antimicrobial enzymes ( saliva defens)
-hydrochloric acid ( stomach defense)
-immune system
-generalized inflammatory response
name food processing techniques?
-food additives
-genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
-persistent organic pollutants
-growth hormones
name food processing techniques naturally?
salting= dehydration by osmosis(water drown out)
sugaring= similar to salting but sugar
drying freeze-drying , smoking, hot-smoking, cooling
food processing techniques by modern ?
canning= wash and blanch food, place in can , take out air, seal can and heat
pasteurization= exposed food or beverage to high heat for short time to destroy microorganisms , taste and quality are not affected
aseptic packaging= food and beverage are exposed to high heat and then cooled, then placed in sterile containers
modified atmosphere packaging= replace oxygen in a package with an inert gas like nitrogen or carbon dioxide
food additives ?
they are not foods, but they are chemicals intentionally added to food to enhance their colour, flavour, texture, nutrients density, moisture level, or shelife
strictly regulated in canada
genetic modification (gm)
the process of changing an organism by manipulating its genetic make up
benefits and concerns of GM foods
grow mo easily in some environments
produce more crops, helping keep the food prices lower
ripen lower, last longer during shipping ir bruise less easily
be less at risk for disease caused by insects or viruses
beed less pesticides
have more nutrient content
conserve water with drought-tolerant species
residues on food
food residues are chemical that remain in food despite cleaning and processing
these residues can include
persistent organic pollutants
growth hormones
persistent organic pollutants
chemical released as a result of human activity into environment, where they persist for years or decades
ex: heavy metal(mercury and lead)
they are family of chemicals used in both fields and farm storage areas to dicrease the destruction and crops losses be weeds, animals, insects and microorganisms
3 most common: herbicides, insecticides, fungicides
organic foods
like vegetable, fruit, eggs, milk and meat is produces without
synthetic (human-made) pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers
genetically modified organisms(GMO)
antibiotics or growth hormones
what is HACCP ?
hazard, analysis , critical , point
what is the danger zone ?
4c to 60c
3 ways to defrost food ?
in the refrigerator
im cold water, changed. every 30 minuts