United 737 Limitations Flashcards
What is the maximum operating pressure altitude for the B737?
41,000 feet
What is the maximum takeoff/landing tailwind component for the B737?
• 15 knots
Icing conditions exist in flight when visible moisture in any form is present (i.e. clouds, fog with visibility
of 1 mile or less, rain, snow, sleet, or ice crystals) and
Total air temperature of 10°C or below
On takeoff or missed approach, do not engage the autopilot below
400 feet AGL
The minimum altitude for use of the autopilot on a non-precision approach is
• 50 feet below MDA/DA
The minimum altitude for use of the autopilot on an ILS approach is
• 50 feet AGL
Max flap extension altitude is
• 20,000 feet
Identify the recommended severe turbulence penetration speed, CRUISE
TURB N1 setting from cruise page
Identify the recommended severe turbulence penetration speed, CLIMB and DESCENT
280 knots / .76 Mach
What is the RECOMMENDED CROSSWIND COMPONENT for the following conditions/parameters: Runway
Condition Code: 5 Surface Condtion:1/8 inch WATER TAKEOFF Crosswind Component (Blended winglets/Spilt
Scimitar Winglet)
• 25/25
What is the RECOMMENDED CROSSWIND COMPONENT for the following conditions/parameters: Runway
Condition Code: 6 Surface Condition: DRY TAKEOFF Crosswind Component (Blended winglets/Split Scimitar
• 34/33
What is the RECOMMENDED CROSSWIND COMPONENT for the following conditions/parameters: Runway
Condition Code: 6 Surface Condition: DRY LANDING Crosswind Component (Blended Winglet/Spit Scimitar
Do not use LVL CHG on final approach below _______.
1000 feet AFE
Choose the answer which describes the immediate action steps for CABIN ALTITUDE WARNING/HORN/LIGHT IN FLIGHT
Oxygen masks and regulators- on 100%
What is the maximum allowable headwind to to conduct an autoland B737?
25 knots