unit3 Flashcards
Write the greatest possible number of types of visiting:
Visiting relatives, neighbors, friends, condolence and congratulation.
Write 3 types of visits and determine the most suitable time to make them.
Sick people: according to the doctor’s recommendations. 2. Relatives, neighbors & friends: according to their time.
3. In occasions: wedding, funeral, parties.
Write the sinful consequences attendant on entering the houses of others.
- Look at the secrets of houses.
2. Violating sanctities and spread temptation in the community. 3. Look at the people‘s own matters and privacy.
Permission is obligatory whereas saluting is recommendable (mustahab). What is the significance of this?
Because the permission at entry is prescribed in order to save the privacy of people, but saluting is to spread love and familiarity.
What should we do if someone does not give permission to enter the house?
We should return back without getting upset on that person.
Three emergencies in which a Muslim is permitted to enter residents without being given permission.
- If someone asks for a help.
- To save the house and its people from a big damage coming from a thief or an enemy.
- Natural disaster such as fire or earthquake. 4. Medical assistance.
The dangers of forbidden look for the individual
Corruption of the heart and sinning.
The dangers of forbidden look for the society
The spread of immorality and the disintegration of families and community.
Explain: Why has Sharia made sanctity (hurma) for houses, so it is not permissible to enter them except with the permission of their owners?
In order to preserve (awrah) and privacy.
What does “asking for permission” mean?
It means to request permission to enter a place not owned by the person.
How many times permission should be asked?
Asking for permission is three ti
What is the verdict on asking permission to enter places other than housing (not designated for housing), such as hospitals, schools, shops and public stores, in which a person has a benefit or interest?
No need to take permission
What is the verdict on asking permission when entering public places that charge entrance fees?
It is not permissible to enter them without permission; paying entrance fees is considered permission.
Explain: It is permissible for a woman to show her face and hands before non-mahrams.
- They are not possible to be hidden. 2. She needs to deal with people
What is a woman’s adornment?
Adornment is what a woman puts on of jewelry, eyeliner, or pigment.
What are the parts of adornment?
It is divided into two parts:
First, hidden adornment (such as a bracelet, necklace, and earring); it is not permissible to display them but for the husband, mahram (non-foreign men), and those included in the verse.
Second, seen adornment (except what must ordinarily appear); they are whatever is not possible to hide such as ornament of the face and hands (ring, Henna and eyeliner).
The verse (that they should draw their veils over their bosoms) indicates the description of the Muslim woman’s hijab (head covering). Explain.
Hijab must cover the head, the neck, and the bosom.
Explain: Why did the verse mention the uncle (father’s brother and mother’s brother) among men to whom a woman is permissible to display her ornament before them?
The verse was limited to those who frequent their visit to her house.
Mixing (men and women) in Islam is permitted but with the following restrictions:
It must not be in privacy, but in public places.
Mention 2 benefits to the individual of those attached to lowering one’s gaze:
A way to guard one’s modesty.
2. To purify the soul from the devilish prompting.
Mention some etiquettes of asking permission for entering someone’s house
Salute, not to enter if no one is in the house, going back and avoiding insistence
on entering, ask for permission three times, be careful about the timings.
Define “health”?
Health is being safety, physical, psychological, mental and social well-being
Explain that preserving health is one of the great purpose of Shari
A Muslim is required by law to preserve the five necessities, it is necessary to preserve the health.
What are the causes behind the spread of diseases in our time, inspite of the progress made by man in medical sciences?
Unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of physical activity and sport exercise / unhealthy food.
What is meant by strong believer?
The strong faith in a Muslim comes from his healthy body.
How health care increases the happiness of individual and society?
Having the psychological comfort, physical health and reduced disease lead to make the community happy
Basic factors of the Prophet’s method in physical health:
Nutrition 2.Hygiene 3. Prevention 4. Sport 5. Treatment
What does the Prophet (PBUH) relate cure of disease to?
The right treatment. 2. God’s will.
Examples of commercial fraud:
Hiding defects of the commodity:
Not stating harmful materials in the items.
Change the expiration date. Change the product country or company name.
Showing the commodity better than it real state:
Change the expiration date. Change the product country or company name.
Putting a world trade mark on bad items. Hide the exposure of the car to a serious accident.
Put photos on the cover and ads that show the item in an incorrect way.
Prohibited sales in Islam are:
Riba (usury) 2. Gambling 3. Najash 4. Selling to a second buye
Define usury (Riba
Increase or delay in the exchange of specific money.
What are the alternatives of usury (interest) loans/ permissible in Isla
- Good loan 2. Sharakah contract 3. Mudharabah contract 4. Installment
Explain the bad effects of “ on the individual and society?
On individuals: on usurer- selfishness and greed on borrower- running into debts On society: socially-spread of hatre economically- high price of commodities
installment sale
permissible by sharia
no penalty in case of payment delay
both parties benefit
riba loan
increase in case of payment delay
benefit for lender only
Define “najsh” according to Sharia.
It is to increase/ overbidding the price of an item and you do not want to buy it.
What is the Islamic ruling for “najsh”?
Gambling: It is taking conditional money in playing from a losing part
What is the wisdom of prohibiting gambling
2. Protectthecommunityfromtheft,encroachmentonpeople’smoneyor
the murder caused by gambling.
3. Toprotectindividualsfromworry,anxietyandstress.
4. Tosavethesocietyidleness,lazinessandearningmoneywithoutexerting
effort or engaging in work.
5. Preventingsquanderingwealth,wastingmoneyfornoreturnandforno
A person bought home furniture for (30,000 dirhams) to be paid within six months; each month (5,000 dirhams
Installment sale
A person borrowed (ten thousand dirhams) from another one to be paid back to him (eleven thousand dirhams) after six months.
Loan riba