Unit Three Vocabulary Flashcards
A political system in which a small group of individuals exercises power over the state without being constitutionally responsible to the public
Bureaucratic Authoritarianism
A system in which the state bureaucracy and the military share a belief that a technocratic leadership, focused on rational, objective, and technical expertise, can solve the problems of the country without public participation
A process whereby the state co-opts members of the public by providing specific benefits or favors to a single person or a small group in return for public support
“Rule by theft,” where those in power seek only to drain the state of assets and resources
An arrangement whereby a ruler depends on a collection of supporters within the state who gain direct benefits in return for enforcing the ruler’s will
Resource Trap
Theory of development in which the existence of natural resources in a
given state is a barrier to modernization and democracy
A nondemocratic regime that is highly centralized, possessing some form of strong ideology that seeks to transform and absorb fundamental aspects of state, society, and the economy, using a wide array of institutions
A method of co-optation whereby authoritarian systems create or sanction a imited number of
organizations to represent the interests of the public and restrict those not set up or approved by the state
A political view that does not have a consistent ideological foundation, but that emphasizes hostility toward elites and established state and economic institutions and favors greater power in the hands of the public
Nondemocratic Regime
A political regime that is controlled by a small group of individuals who exercise power over the state without being constitutionally responsible to the public
The property-owning class
(1) A political-economic system in which all wealth and property are shared so as to eliminate exploitation, oppression, and, ultimately, the need for political institutions such as the state; (2) a political ideology that advocates such a system
Dialectical Materialism
Process of historical change that is not evolutionary but revolutionary; the existing base and superstructure (thesis) would come into conflict with new technological innovations, generating growing opposition to the existing order (antithesis)-this would culminate in revolution, overthrowing the old base and superstructure
Literally, openness; the policy of political liberalization implemented in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s
Politically sensitive or influential jobs in the state, society, or economy that were staffed by people chosen or approved by the Communist Party
A political system in which power flows directly from the ruling political party (usually a communist party) to the state, bypassing government structures
Literally, restructuring; the policy of political and economic liberalization implemented in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s
The top policy-making and executive body of a communist party
The working class
Shock Therapy
A process of rapid marketization
All noneconomic institutions in a society (e.g., religion, culture, national identity); these ideas and values derive from the base and serve to legitimize the current system of exploitation
vanguard of the proletariat
Lenin’s argument that an elite communist party would have to carry out revolution, because as a result of false consciousness, historical conditions would not automatically lead to capitalism’s demise
Lower house of the Russian legislature
Russian republic that has been a source of military conflict since 1991
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
A loose integrationist body that incorporates many former Soviet republics
Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)
Economic and political union among several former Soviet states
Federal Security Service (FSB)
Successor to the KGB, the Russian intelligence agency
Eleventh-century fortress in the heart of Moscow that has been the historical seat of Russian state power
“Men of power” who have their origins in the security agencies and are close to President Putin
Name given to workers’ councils that sprang up in 1917
United Russia
Main political party in Russia and supporter of Vladimir Putin
Soviet secret-police agency charged with domestic and foreign intelligence
Russian people noted for their control of large amounts of the Russian economy (including the media), their close ties to the government, and the accusations of corruption surrounding their rise to power